Can weed help with Autism?
Can weed help with Autism?
Thanks for being nice to me and not yelling at me like your pals.
surveillance video from the CVS at Bellaire and Stella Link shows a man in his 20s briefly walk inside the store, and then leave. Minutes later, the 12-year-old victim entered the store following her mother and grandmother. Police say the girl went off by herself. The man entered again and quickly approached the girl. …
Thanks, you sound like an asshole.
No, I don’t have kids. So, there is no way a 12 year old wants to have sex with an adult?
surveillance video from the CVS at Bellaire and Stella Link shows a man in his 20s briefly walk inside the store, and then leave. Minutes later, the 12-year-old victim entered the store following her mother and grandmother. Police say the girl went off by herself. The man entered again and quickly approached the girl. …
surveillance video from the CVS at Bellaire and Stella Link shows a man in his 20s briefly walk inside the store, and then leave. Minutes later, the 12-year-old victim entered the store following her mother and grandmother. Police say the girl went off by herself. The man entered again and quickly approached the girl. …
surveillance video from the CVS at Bellaire and Stella Link shows a man in his 20s briefly walk inside the store, and then leave. Minutes later, the 12-year-old victim entered the store following her mother and grandmother. Police say the girl went off by herself. The man entered again and quickly approached the girl. …
I think the cop is trying to say “Just because she wanted to, that doesn’t make it legal”?
I’m sure he is going to say “I thought she was 18 officer.”
What if he really thought she was of age? I’m sure he’s going to try to say this anyway.
What if the assailant really thought she was of legal age? It’s not like he pinned her down?
Not trying to be an asshole because I like you but, I don’t get all the rage here? She consented to having sex with him. It’s not like he pinned her down. In some countries, it’s legal to have sex with teenagers. Maybe she looks a lot older than she really is? Please, in all seriousness, help me understand?
Because so many rapes occur at a CVS?
I love how all you Jezzies are actually angrier at the cop than the assailant.
Lighten up Nancy. It was a joke.
The man that would be queen?
It makes a point to other men. Just because she consented, it still is considered rape. Might make some men think twice or, at the least, ask to see some ID.
Sean Connery was so smooth, he could make a lesbian turn straight.
Law enforcement talks in terms of legality. They don’t care about your feelings.