
The option is “go play something else.” Sorry fat boy but you dont get to have everything tailored for you. I wish i could fly a plane but I never learned. I dont blame Boeing for not making an easy option in the plane though

You wouldn’t could on it, huh?

who are all these simpletons who want to play games to just “look at the scenery” so much? Go outside. Free scenery in hi-res.

Keep telling yourself that and then pretend to be shocked when he wins in November libbie.

it’s not going to stop him from winning. A majority of his supporters and a majority of Americans are willing to overlook the “few bad apples” and most actually are willing to tolerate them. They are no different than the Black Lives Matter protestors and this election and Trump’s rise can be attributed to a large

who gives a shit

not bad. would jizz on that sweet face and lip.

man you’re just the king of nintendo games huh? wow dude youre probably the best gamer i’ve ever met.

I almost forgot I bought a wiiU like 4 years ago waiting for this game. Guess I’ll dust it off in another year or two. Nintendo has really gone to shit

yeah i can only jack it to asians

They was good kids they din du nuffin. racist po-lice killed dem.

Blade flurry can still board clear, so what’s your goddamn point?

Some of those jumps at the start look like he’s getting 3 and 4 thrusts mid air. Not sure how that’s possible. I thought two was the max.

then ill be jacking it to pencil drawings i guess

They dont care as much as you white defenders of the Japanese race do so calm the shit down

Anytime someone does the high-and-mighty “this is INFERIOR! to the way i orginally found it. I am the TRUE AND ULTIMATE fan you are inferior peons” I have to stop paying attention. I hate that nerd bullshit. The show is great. The books are fine too but they’re also boring as hell at times and terrible. And what kind

hmm, face is a little sunken and old looking, but guess I could pork.

yes, stay at a capsule hotel if you want to get groped and filmed by disgusting japanese men who smell like cigarettes.

the honorable japanese san would never do anything like exploit a bug. komo kan mi weebo anime. *bows*

yet all anime characters are drawn to look Western. Anime is also for idiots and pedos.