Watch the Grizzlies, dammit

I find it weird that Americans of all people would object to celebrations in baseball.

Sport as it should be.

I was at that game, and I can best describe the atmosphere as the world’s largest, most enthusiastic minor-league baseball game. Just ecstatic, everyone was so into it. Every time one of the teams would score, the players would clear out from the benches to celebrate, and they’d interact with the fans to get them more

I don’t really think Rondo should be taking shots at Ray Allen over his decision but mainly just because I don’t think he should ever be taking shots.

Yeah Deadspin. Stick to Syria.

You don’t say that to a guy whose dad killed a president

And yet, a bunch of SC doofuses protested across the street with the Stars n Bars. SC racists literally can’t get out of their own way to show that they are awful, awful people. It’s unfathomable to me that someone would take time out of his life to “protest” to say “remember when you boycotted us because our state

Hey, hey, hey, tom, hey, tom, hey...quit leaving the Sudan, proliferation of processed meats, human trafficking, honey bee extinction, and the “Search for Richard Simmons” out of the conversation. Some human you are...

Though there’s some fucked up irony in South Carolina getting something because North Carolina did something regressive.

as a Tar Heel, Duke losing is actually more enjoyable and sexually satisfying than us beating Arkansas

Every time Duke loses in the second round, an angel gets its wings.

If no one on SC had the presence of mind to tell Grayson Allen “Have a nice trip! See you next fall!” then this win should be vacated.

Not everyone cares about minor league basketball.

Oh, you’re just being pedantic. Got it.

Why do you think the league exists? Do you seriously think that there are enough serious basketball fans to make all this money for the owners? The majority of fans of most sports (well, sports with nationally identifiable celebrities, anyway) are “celebrity worshipping casual fan(s).

I want a t shirt that says someone hacked my bracket.

Villa no va. Si?

Fake sports! Villanova won! Verne Lundquist is the new Warren Beatty! Also, somebody hacked my bracket! I had another team winning the championship, not Villanova! Shut up!

Cant we be sad about a fun, great player dying so young, while also acknowledging the extremely shitty mistake he made? Or is everything binary?

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?