
@Jagster: And don't EVER write a comment on this topic again, unless you've read this:

@Jagster: Get a clue. Obviously you have no idea what "open" and "roalty free" mean.

@Jagster: Interoperability between browsers and the web.

@Jagster: Why would they? What interoperability issue is there that would require giving away search algorithms?

Check your facts, Gizmodo.

@Walternate: Software is the reason why the iPhone is not the best.

@EnochLight: Yeah? So how do you print documents easily (!) without the help of a PC/Mac?

@quillaja: I'm sure that will happen.

@salemid: That would be a waste.

@Zukny1: Absofreakinglutely.

@Hiko Saemon: Note-taking is even more important for me that web browsing.

@404error: Not in Germany. You pay 0-500 euro, depending on the region and any German degree definitely means a lot.

@Arken: This university is in Germany.