
Doesn’t decentralization count for anything? If Trump shits on the rule of law, what’s stopping California from deciding to recognize no higher power than the Republic of California? Blue states have been fighting everything coming out of this administration tooth and nail, and have been doing so through legal

Great point. The actual reasons for being homeless vary drastically depending on the county or city. Sometimes it’s lack of affordable housing, which building more affordable housing and shelters would address. But other times it’s drug addiction or mental illness, which require a bit more work than just putting a

Greatness for me and not for thee

I’d refrain from accusing people who ask to switch seats of booking too last minute or being too cheap to pay a premium to select the seats they want in advance. Because we all know air travel is a special kind of hell. My honeymoon was booked in advance and we paid a premium to choose our seats (together) - but the

No, you’re right. At least as far as I was aware. 

The Venn Diagram is a circle.

I too live in a small rural Northern CA town and we also have high rates of homelessness despite the average family sized home in the “big” city (pop. 27,000) being $250-300k. There *are* homes in more desirable areas that go for upwards of $600k, but those are also typically huge homes on large tracts of land. I

If she didn’t smile at the end everyone would question her likability and wonder if she’s someone they could grab a beer with. 

I think it challenges their desperately held belief that the left is soft and fragile and like any bullies they get spooked when their attempts to intimidate face resistance. 

many of its proponents advocate a return to monarchy or other autocratic forms of government.”

If he’s a creationist, it’s really easy to follow his train of thought. God made Adam and Eve. Only Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve!!). Whose children went on to populate the entire world. Now how could they do that without incest?

All the cigarettes and whisky their mothers sucked down whilst pregnant, probably. And then all the first and secondhand smoke for the next 45 years.

Sometimes I think of the US as a body part with a festering, open wound and the office of President as the bandage one would put over the top of it. There are good quality bandaids that can aid the healing process by offering good protection from further damage and there are shitty bandages that just keep falling off

Kyle took the picture.

Someone may have already pointed it out, but your link to Jayapal’s op-ed goes to the WaPo’s Editorial op-ed.

Considering I’m putting about 12% of my paycheck each month toward my healthcare premium, and then additional money toward copays and my deductible, plus $175/month for the next year toward a hospital bill for what my insurance *didnt* cover (for I very minor surgery to repair my eardrum), I’ll gladly take a 4% tax


Yes we do, as long as they’re *qualified* write-in candidates. Would-be write-in candidates are typically people who throw their name into the ring after the deadline for ballot candidacy has passed and there’s a candidacy paperwork process they have to go through at a certain point in the election cycle within a