
The combination of ingrained racism and fear of being labeled a racist has made a true reckoning impossible in this country.

I think your feelings are completely justified. I think you’re making it worse for yourself by giving in to the guilt.

At this point, when I hear ‘undecided’ from someone, I can only think they’re too afraid to publicly admit they’re a Trump supporter.

I had one. Painful recovery lasting weeks. I had debilitating depression because of hormone disruption along with physical pain. I needed mine, and didn’t want children. But I can’t imagine how these women are feeling with that level of pain, lingering recovery, depression from hormones and loss of ability to have

To anyone in this world, who likely is nowhere near this website: if you’re still ‘undecided’ at this point, you know where you’d stand when they opened Auschwitz.

Chris Evans has been really open about his struggles with anxiety and I just honestly felt bad for him. It was a fuck-up anyone could have made, and I found it genuinely sweet that so many people started flooding Twitter with pictures of him and his dog to drown out the earlier tweets.

And, like any uneven surface, it will collect tons of dust and will turn a nasty shade of dirty grey. Toxic, ugly, useless and dirty furniture... 

Trump is such a predator that I’m sure he keyed into it right away and he knew Cohen could be easily controlled. 

1) Is there one photo out there of Cohen that doesn’t look like the dictionary definition of ‘sad sack’?

The care you described costing $1,000,000 is unjustifiable in the “normal” case where you’re in the ICU for something unusual.

You forgot that the 10 layers of admins, lawyers, and executives in between the actual hospital costs and the insurance company which also demands another fat profit margin on top of their admins and lawyers.

It’s a hospital. It should lose money every time it treats a patient. The issue is that in America we are looking at health care as a for-profit industry. It shouldn’t be.

Sorry, but there is ZERO reason that stay should be anywhere NEAR 1 million. For 1 million I could hire 4 drs to work shifts at my house 24/7 for 4 months and have plenty of money left over for a breathing machine. 

It is absolutely insane and will always make me mad that they didn’t write this trilogy as a trilogy with the same writing team on all three. When 2 came out, I was mad that it didn’t live up to the promise of 1, and then 3 completely shat the bed. I’ve waited my entire life hoping that the last trilogy would happen

That basically sums it up.

Teslas tend to draw the techy Libertarian breed of shit head. Never make eye contact, or you will have to hear about cryptocurrencies until the heat death of the universe.

Yep! That’s a housecoat! Beloved by grandmas in the 60s-80s.

She’s a Serena Joy, someone who’ll readily sell out everyone else if it means she will be granted a position of (relative) privilege.

I’m still reeling at the description of ‘off the cuff relatability’...  She looks like one of those frothing at the mouth evangelicals who so conveniently overlook Trump’s glaring character flaws. If she were chunkier and had more makeup, I’d swear she was Tammy Faye Bakker in disguise.

It’s a good thing no woman has ever tried a stupid/dangerous diet in their youth to get the attention of the opposite sex. We’d have to laugh at them too ya?