
It’s as I always say about situations like this: stop digging through the horseshit; there is no pony here.

Inuits and other ethnic groups who live at similar latitudes have also developed genetic adaptations to be able to function on these diets as a result of spending tens of thousands of years living off non-arable land. Those of us descended from more agrarian cultures or warmer latitudes aren’t going to be able to

What’s even better is the crazy story of how shithead Jordan Peterson’s daughter got him & his wife on an all-meat diet, and how that lead to depression, malnourishment, cancer, and drug addiction:

Oh I knew how to do it. I just didn't want to. 

but she didn’t turn into “just another skinny body.” She’s still Adele.  Maybe she (probably rightly) came to the conclusion that she would be healthier if she made healthier choices, and she proceeded to make them, armed with lots of money, professional guidance, and possibly being in a better mental space than she

I was very disappointed when the Millers demonstrated coronavirus doesn’t cause sterility in fascists, but there’s every chance their baby-to-be, and any following children, will grow up to hate their parents so much, the obit for Katie will include the world is a better place without her, and Stephen’s says something

I hope karma rains down on the mother fuckers that did this. I hope it rains down so hard it’s like a lightning bolt/tsunami/hurricane and a bitch slap down to hell.

Of course, my point is that any way you slice it, there really is a genetic lottery of sorts whenever people have children. We can kid ourselves and say all outcomes are equal, but that is just not the way society structures things, and that was what I was getting at. A Black person can no more change their race (much

I’d say those pink heels absolutely count as a stiletto. They probably just seem “less excessive” because they’re not a strappy 5.5" heel with a 2" platform. Which, good, because I am fucking tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired of that whole shiz.

I’m sorry, but as the mom of a special needs kid, that seems way more condescending than “he functions at the level of an elementary school child.” Giving a rough age-level equivalent gives the lay reader a concept of the kinds of limitations being discussed without dwelling on the things an individual can’t do or

Yeah- I think cause could certainly help in prevention (we have enough cause to know that chlorpyrifos is bad even if it might not exactly cause ‘true’ autism and anything that reduces rate of intellectual disorder and ADHD helps with autism since having those as a comorbidity usually makes it much worse), but there

So, the causes of ASD are still not entirely understood. All that is understood is that there can be a genetic component. There is no test. Also, the nature of ASD is that it is a spectrum disorder, so there are already many sub-types that are identified. What irks me about stories like this, is that the reader is

It’s not even that Birdy was yelling that, but rather that she will go to any lengths to protect Alice”

This isn’t “a controversial autism treatment.” This is poisoning and child abuse. Whenever people want to “cure” part of your identity, there is often shady shit happening with respect to human rights. Manytreatments”for autism are abusive like witholding food to get the desired behavior. Let people be different and

Anyone notice that “Kerri Rivera Autism Protocol” is K.R.A.P?

I had no idea going into this episode how they were going to deal with the “resurrection” and honestly having the coffin empty never once occurred to me. The stubborn coffin lid added such a brief stun of suspense and then all hell breaking loose. The choreography of that entire set piece was jaw-dropping, that

I’m still early on in the article, but I strenuously object to listing Risperdal alongside elimination diets and superfoods. Yes, the class of medications that risperidone belongs to is called “antipsychotics,” but that does NOT mean that he was being mistreated for an unrelated illness. Risperidone is often

“especially rich coming from a woman who is one beach day and a broken flat iron away from not being read as white herself”