Oh for sure - part of this is definitely “our” collective fault for allowing her to monetize her rape.
Oh for sure - part of this is definitely “our” collective fault for allowing her to monetize her rape.
Jesus Christ don’t you have ANY employment rights in your country? I mean, over here, my boss tells me to do ANYTHING that isn’t in my job description i can tell him to go fuck himself, he wants to make a fuss? I can drag his arse straight to an employment tribunal who will side with me until my employer can prove I…
I like to say, “You deny the existence of of your child and live in wealth while your ex-partner and child live in poverty?”
Florida Gulf Coast here. We aren’t in a hot zone, but I’m afraid we haven’t yet peaked. It’s amazing how many people I see in the grocery store not wearing a fucking mask. They are readily available now, so there’s no excuse other than assholery. We aren’t going out much at all and have only eaten out once (outdoors,…
The repubs, didn’t make fuss on the fact that their President cheat on his pregnant wife with a pornstar who he paid for the act.
Your lips to the Flying Spaghetti Monster's ears!
Pretty much, the few are like one last little leafy green sprig on a diseased tree.
Hopefully Minneapolis will be paying to have these tires replaced and identifying and firing these officers.
Ill gladly meet you at MCAB. Many or most, take your pick.
This is always the argument they use to justify shooting every dog they see.
Aside from a few individuals here and there it seems to be a more and more accurate sentiment sadly.
If police can destroy private property because it could be used as a weapon, then they can destroy pretty much anything they want. Th argument is absurd on its face. Hopefully Minneapolis will be paying to have these tires replaced and identifying and firing these officers.
Not a lawyer but I’m assuming this move is to protect financial assets and property? They have a second home in Florida, so there must be finances there that will be depleted in his defense or seized in civil suits. She’s trying to get her half before he has nothing. Or, in the least, this delays their financial…
I don’t care about his wife leaving him. His history of abuse on the police force is long and storied. She is not the hero for leaving him.
My grandma was born in the early 1910's, so all of this is what she grew up with. When I was a kid I remember her pointing out an actress who “drew a white line down her nose” to narrow it (grandma was way ahead of the game on contouring!). She also complimented my legs, and encouraged me to keep my full eyebrows…
Remember, these are people whose ancestors were kicked out of Europe for being too prudish.
This has gone from stupid to stupid & boring.
This is what happens when you’re trying to make a “hot” baby!! The concept was doomed from the start lol
There are a lot of stunningly beautiful children in the world. Many of them have stage parent who would probably let them be in any movie for free, let alone a “Twilight” movie. Why would the filmmakers not cast a real child? Too expensive to pay? Issues with child labor laws? The baby has to do something awful that…