
Firstly the primaries are still happening. Democrats don’t have to nominate someone credibly accused of rape. You want Biden politics but who didn’t rape anyone, feel free to pick Mayo Pete. You don’t get to be angry at progressives that the corporate dems united around the wrong one.

Black and brown protestors would have been shot the moment they left their house with such firepower.

They aren’t protesters. They’re domestic terrorists.

You know damn well if black or brown protesters showed up at the capital building armed and yelling, there would have immediately been tear gas deployed and officers with itchy trigger fingers surrounding the scene. 

Ever try to run a chainsaw with two year old gas? Nope, didn’t think so. I don’t know how long the preppers think they can maintain their pre-apocalypse lifestyle.

I mean not much was expected of Edward and he still managed to fail every time.

Rita Ora is way thirstier than Sophie.

Yeah, I don’t really get the tone of this article. We’re meant to dislike her because... she’s a down-to-earth, middle-aged woman? I mean, she’s 55 years old. Sorry she’s not keeping up with her 30-something in laws but I think that’s to be expected.

Why do these up and coming starlets hook up with washed up guys old enough to be their dads? Florence Pugh with Zach Braff (!!?!!?), de Armas with Affleck, Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin... surely these men can’t actually do anything for their careers at this point, right? Does Zach Braff really have a ton of sway in

She can do better. 

Maybe it’s me, but I don’t think those two work as a couple. 

OK I’ve read through this twice and maybe I’m still not seeing it?  Shouldn’t parents get the proposed backup caregiver involved in this conversation to ensure that they are willing to do this and find out what requirements or needs they’d have?  Maybe I’d be ok bringing your kiddo to my home or vice versa but these

Rich, I really wish you’d change your lane and just stop reporting on “reality” shows. Meaningless trash-TV such as the Masked Singer / Dr. Pimple Popper is boring and fine. I’m sure other people out there enjoy the escapism.

However, when it comes to the Mama Junes, Duggars, OctoMoms, Gosselins blah blah blah we are

Since I’m in the grays on Jez I’ll reply to you and maybe only you will see it.

“Several hundred students departed...”

Nothing.  You’re missing absolutely nothing.

When I happen upon that shitorange face on tv I try not to listen to his blathering. And it is also incredibly annoying to see all those assholes standing behind him, especially Pence, sagely nodding as if to give credence to the diarrhea raining down from his pie hole. And that woman wearing those fancy scarves -

Even Trump, deep in his lizard brain, has to realize what the market reaction would be if he fired Fauci. 

You and your husband are what made and make San Francisco so special. I’m so sorry-I wish I could wave a wand and change all of this. 

Jesus, Joan. This is both the most beautiful and most heartbreaking thing I’ve read in a long time.