
Counterpoint: in general, we need to move away from the idea that every last policy needs to be means-tested, and granted only to “the deserving”, because “the deserving” is how they get us every single time.

Well done, Tracy.

When I was 17, I was in love with a 31 year old with two kids. My 57 year old economics teacher and friend of my mother called me sexy, and I wanted to lose my virginity to him.

Hazlit has a long read about the US news story that likely inspired Nabokov. It def increased the ick factor re. Lolita for me. I’m happy that more female authors are taking a turn at this subject.

They didn’t do a runner to Canada because Meghan wasn’t being allowed to express her style.

I mean I’m sure there are subtler ways to say “Fuck you Im with HER” than having your bespoke suit lined with the exact color of her dress... I can’t think of one now though...

She burnt it down and stepped over the ashes. Meghan’s styling was on fire! And Harry’s Kelly green silk suit jacket lining?! I’m dead. I hope these two continue living their best life. As my family would say to the Royal family with regards to Harry & Megan’s exit: Y’all done f*cked up.

I LOVE Meghan’s “Fuck All Y’all!” smile in the photos and Harry’s deliciously smug leer.

I almost got into a fight over this at the tailors. Some douchebag in front of me was staff at a local boarding school and was going on about how the girls at his school needed to bring in their dresses to be approved becasue you just wouldn’t believe what young girls concinder okay to wear.....He took a breath to

Yep. I am appalled every time I watch an American real estate show and people walk through a house (someone else’s house, still--in their outside shoes) and make derogatory comments about the dirty carpets. And I think: well, that’s what happens when people WEAR THEIR FUCKING SHOES IN THE HOUSE.

This is a bad take and you should feel bad. 

My mom’s live would have also been transformed by universal childcare. As a kid of the late 80s with siblings who finally graduated from high school in 2012 it’s unfathomable how different her life would have been. She was a young mom who went back to school for drafting in the early 90s. She was learning the first

But don’t socks serve basically the same purpose as house shoes? They keep your feet warm and prevent your bare feet from dirtying the floor. Seems like adding shoes on top of that is unnecessary.

You Americans are weird.

I would never buy a pair of house shoes, but that’s because my mummo makes tossut at such a rate that I will never need a different kind of house slipper. These are an example of tossut (am working from home today, mine are orange but otherwise similar). I have been led to believe they are common for Finns but that

My parents grew up during the Great Depression. Their descriptions of their parents and their childhoods and the lasting effect it had on them sounds very much akin to yours, Joan.

Yeah I thought it was corn starch or baby powder. But then I imagine you get all swampy in there because it’s a fucking full-body plastic gimp suit with no ventilation and it ... forms a ... a paste? :(

Who in their right mind (I said RIGHT MIND) would want a body like kim’s? She looks ridiculous and those clothes accentuate how caricatured her body is.

For someone who is as all-consumed about her appearance, her body and fashion as she is, I’m truly flabbergasted by the fake hips and butt. How could she or anyone of the dozens of yes people around her think that this is a good look? She looks like a caricature of a woman with those fake-ass balloon hips!

I imagine these 2 walking and sounding like someone rubbing two huge rubber balloons together.