
I’m going to see Portrait of a Lady on Fire today in honor of these absolute badasses.

Just to add context here, American and British reviews of J’accuse are generally like, “Ok, yeah, this is fine. Not great, maybe even very good, solidly and well made—fine.” It’s in the 70s on Rotten Tomatoes.

My favorite aspect of the whole mess, naturally after Haenel’s utterly badass walkout which the camera gloriously showed, was that apparently before the ceremony itself Franck Riester, the Minister of Culture for France made comments about how giving the award to Polanski would send the wrong signal. I mean, reading

Two hours later, she called again and “was belligerent and stated she believed it to be a legitimate issue,” according to jail records.


Rein in.

Not something that I observed personally, but I was on the flight that this allegedly occurred.

This really wasn’t so bad in retrospect but the first time we ever flew to LA was from New York on Continental in January, 1987, and we had to switch planes in Denver. Everyone seemed to be getting awfully drunk for a morning flight but whatever, I was young and I figured all these guys were just in full vacation mode.

I was flying home to the U.S. from a business meeting at one of my company’s European subsidiaries. A few rows up from me was a young woman who was flirting with and trying to kiss the guy next to her, who seemed amused but was definitely not encouraging it. I stop paying attention and a couple hours later my boss

I would hate to have been on that flight, but, for real, loads of sympathy for that woman. Parenting is not for the weak. 

A kidnapper. 

Worst thing was me- I was traveling home from remote India to Denver. After 70 hours of travel (via a dusty car, an overnight train, another car through Delhi, a delayed flight in coach from Delhi to Paris), I’d made it on to my Paris to Atlanta leg. I’d been awake so long I cried as they were scanning my ticket and

Woman solo-parenting on a fight from Charlotte to London with 3 kids. She was at her wits end already from the look of it, and one kid suddenly started barfing all over himself during takeoff. This led to the two other kids also barfing all over themselves. Lots of smelly awful barf all over the middle row of a

Who the fuck would do try to take some kid from a flight attendant????

A friend of mine from high school flew as an unaccompanied minor pretty frequently. These days, unaccompanied minors aren’t seated next to men, but back in the 1980s, anything went. My friend must have been about seven or eight. This guy talks to her the whole flight across the aisle. After the plane lands, the flight

My little brother apparently overheats quickly, and when he overheats, he gets violently ill.

Seen? Experienced? Once when I was flying to my college city after winter break, a fellow college student that I vaguely knew sat next to me. I’m a nervous flyer, so I was happy that he was interested in chatting throughout the flight. Except, well, not so much chatting. He just talked at me. Loudly. About his recent

I’m watching the time limit expire on the protection order I have against a dangerous, unstable man. He knows the police won’t arrest him for doing things like driving on my street if there is no order in place and thinking about it expiring makes me feel hopeless. On top of the trauma that comes from him threatening

Kate Middleton has given birth three times after miserable pregnancies, the writer has by her own admission never given birth, but still feels entitled to correct Middleton about her own experiences of her own pregnancies, and judge her about her choice of pain management. It's not a very good look

It was my first year of college and there was a girl I liked for a few months. We had a few classes together and always got along. But she had a long time boyfriend. They had been together for about 3 years.