And before anything else, I still have not seen a definite or, to be honest, even indicative research on what is the benefit, if any, of transathletes have in their sports, especially if they are transitioning from male to female.
And before anything else, I still have not seen a definite or, to be honest, even indicative research on what is the benefit, if any, of transathletes have in their sports, especially if they are transitioning from male to female.
I don’t think comparing a short basketball player to a tall one is the same as comparing sprinters.
Even while I was hesitating clicking on the article in the first, I still ended up being utterly baffled by the really twisted logic here. And before anything else, I still have not seen a definite or, to be honest, even indicative research on what is the benefit, if any, of transathletes have in their sports,…
I had three c-sections so I can’t speak to the vaginal birth experience, but I did watch this ad thinking it’s not graphic enough.
Or you could just accept that some women want to have children, instead of trying to be an edgelord.
Everything else looks vile but that half-Momoa looks awesome. The answer to my hangover dreams. But then I am a serious breakfast person.
I just looked at the results map online, and can I say, damn you Iowa. Elizabeth Warren didn’t take a single county. This country will never elect a woman, no matter how qualified. I hope she doesn’t drop out before one of the larger state’s primaries, such as CA or NY.
i know these offerings are like, meant to representative of middle-America or whatever and that’s why pols flock to these places to seem “normal” but can someone tell me if people eat these on the regular?
Hasn’t he just replaced drugs with religion though? Anger with condescension, resentment with smugness, disrespect for women with putting them on a pedestal. There photos of him and his wife the other day where he looked like he was smothering her with pda and she was trying to get him to dial it back. Change is not…
This shit makes me so mad the more I see these stories over the years and had to realize this same shit happened to me back in 2012 and wasn’t aware this type of shit was some sort of epidemic.
You have to pay an extra $75 at booking for a Customer Service upgrade. You can pay for it at the gate but it goes up to $300.
So the man and I are having his parents over for the first time after we moved in together. He decided to make Indonesian from a packet that a friend brought us back from Europe whilst on vacation. So a) we don’t read dutch b) the measurements are in decileters (more common to use centiliters and liters in Canada.)…
JFC this is so embarrassing but, to paraphrase Carrie Fisher, if my life wasn’t funny it would just be true and that’s unacceptable.
Every Monday-Friday for the past 9 years, I have cooked lunch for 20-25 people. Not once have I ever had a health or safety related food issue and I have managed to successfully serve lunch at noon every. single. day. With one exception.
Dear god! How did they not realize by the smell?!
Not quite food, but I deem this close enough. I was intrigued by the idea of liquor infusions well before I got into bartending. Unfortunately, I didn’t really have perspective on time or flavor profile yet. I tried to make a green tea and clove infused gin at one point, and let the whole thing sit in the back of my…
Mine is easy to summarize: under-cooked pan-fried scallops. I barely even remember them, but I consider it my most disastrous fail because they scarred my husband so deeply, so irremediably that he can no longer eat scallops.
I LOVE menopause. Going through it nearly drove me and everyone else close to me batshit, but once it was great! No mood swings any more! No cramps! The old cooter need a bit more tending, but Ive never been happier or more stable.
How do people not masturbate, at minimum? I don’t get it.