
Bruh, you’re trying to use facts and logic against a person who’s primary tactic is just shitting in his had and smearing it on the wall.

former York County, Pa., Commissioner Steve Chronister.

She ran for Judge and is an attorney, meaning she could probably call someone and be like, hey see if this white man has been evading his taxes or doing other shady shit. And if so we runnin up on a ho. And yet you still persist in pissing this person off.

How long before Tim Allen and Roseanne will be standing back to back in one of those rotating chyron promos during summer baseball games?

Two white men together is a definitely gang. Probably on their way to shoot up a school because women won’t have sex with them.

Bill Cosby is being publicly lynched

That’s the part that takes this from pure rage to tears. Our kids never get to just be kids. Our childhoods are White Supremacy orientations. Most of us know ‘our place in the world’ by 2nd grade. Meanwhile their grown ass adult spawn get to be ‘kids’ until they’re 50 years old; never accountable, always ‘learning’

The Root: “The Beckys can’t get any Beckier.”

Nah, I gathered the “pull your pants up, you niggers!” point that the poster was trying to make, but I’ve just never seen English so poorly put together. It’s like a dog got hold of a keyboard and shook it until a paragraph came out.

lol wut?

Forcada, the art historian who first sounded the alarm, noticed buildings that appear in some of the paintings didn’t actually exist in Terrus’ time.

Thank you Panama, for your public service of listening to this mess, so I didn’t have to pollute my ears with this nonsense.

Kanye is dumb as fuck, and always has been. This new bullshit shouldn’t shock anyone.

Kanye isn’t deep. He’s important to the culture because he moves the needle in fashion and music. But not deep. He also now moves the needle in doubling-and-tripling down on ignorance.

Opiod addiction, massive narcissim. Former was confirmed this week by Ebro, latter was confirmed by Kanye himself in a Tweet. All of this is because “[he] couldn’t get anything done with Obama”, i.e. Obama entertained every celebrity but Kanye and called him a jackass on national TV. By the logic of the enemy of my

I feel like twitter and the media are trying to normalize her, but let’s not forget she’s a Trump. Short of sneaking into his room at night and snuffing him, I’ll never be impressed by anything she does.

I am always stupefied when people that don’t read books brag about it as if all “the books” say the exact same thing. An uncurious mind can be intelligent, but an unstretched mind won’t grow.

I highly fuck with J Cole, and I totally understand why a lot of people don’t.

Does veganism ever not devolve into the performative?