
So what? It's long past time that we swept aside the vicious influence of religion. Hooray for secularism!

I'd rather be a pedantic smartass than a homophobic conspiracy theorist.

Some people bitch and moan about Kylo's temper tantrums and his obvious insecurities, but I thought it was nice to not have a Vader admirer who is basically just Darth Vader 2.0. The fact that he doesn't live up to the standards of his hero makes him both dangerous and pitiable. Depending on how Ren is handled in the

"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it", a saying which I think nicely sums up the failure of the First Order in TFA.

I think TFA catches a lot of unnecessary flack for it parallels to the OT, but I will agree that Starkiller Base is one of my least favourite things about the movie. I hope its destruction marks the last time we see a massive superweapon, unless its the first or second Death Star in one of the anthology movies set in

Jabba's main audience chamber in ROTJ was, for all intents and purposes, the Mos Eisley Cantina 2.0. Besides, what's wrong with TFA's cantina? Are we to assume that the one in Mos Eisley is the only place where smugglers, mercenaries, pirates, and other ne'er-do-wells congregate?

Actually telling a different story? In Phantom Menace, a blond kid of humble origins living on Tatooine learns that he is strong in the Force and follows a Jedi Master on a journey into space and ends up destroying a vital piece of enemy technology (in this case the Droid Control Ship rather than the first Death Star)


Walt Disney was cremated, FYI. :-D

They may not deserve my hate, but they don't get my love either. At best, they're mediocre.

The Sarcasm is strong with this one! :-)

One day the butthurt will finally abate, but I doubt we'll live to see it…

Malin Akerman is not a good actress. I hope she doesn't land this role.