
Respectfully, Andy, you done fucked up here. The officer did the right thing.

My 20 mph commute on a clogged interstate isn't impressed.

Because, unlike stock, those cars can't regain their value.

Why do you read them?


It's a damning statement about our times when a compact pickup can run over $60k.

They said that if I need specific language about all external things that can damage a car, I may not be bright enough to own a car.

“...engineers drill a hole in the pedal and install a rivet...”

Dry clean only.

The word "stainless" is a lie too???

My normal car came with no such language. Weird...

Wait a damn minute. I was told this thing was practically a boat. What changed?

I'm not quite buying this. I had to use soap to get my son's bicycle hand grips on, and they won't budge now no matter how much force I apply.

You just cant understand, Bruh!! Elons a Jenius and your just a looser pedo!!! Elon wouldn’t even seel you a truk because he has all the money and don’t need yers!!

Thankfully the truck cuts acceleration when you press the brake pedal...”

Something strange here: If he had hit someone else’s car, the city would be liable. The city, not the individual driver.

He was driving the truck. At least according to the article I read to the very end.

Who did he pay?

I live in fear of making a post like yours.

But Nashville isn’t a state. Somehow, even with Nashville the state manages to be evil and dangerous.