dream fluff

She’s a fundamentalist Christian; That’s what they do. And she’s not a hypocrite because she applied those rules to herself as a fundemtalist christian. They call it ‘sinning’, and they’re the first to admit they’re not immune to it.

I grew up across the street from him. We're like brothers.

Only the first three


Christ. Of all the worthy political targets to choose from, targets with actual power, this dipshit makes the cut?

Ah yes. If it’s not mysogny, it’s trolling.

Well, based on its common usage, it means “You disagree with me.”

You’re free to presume that if I can presume you believe women never lie about such incidents.

Observing a fundamentalist christian’s hypocrisy isn’t remarkable; It’s tautological.

Remember: It’s only mysogny when a man does it.

You’ll have to prove her advocacy caused ‘real harm’ to the ‘vast majority’ of single mothers facing consewuences.... That’s about as hyperbolic as a statement can get.

No, she’s just another breathtakingly ignorant American that denies science and elevates faith above reason. Yet another shining example of dumb, credulous femininity. The average women’s lack of appetite for intellectual discussion by other women is amazing.

They don’t want American housewives to be self-conscious about their ignorance of basic facts.

She loves getting her ass fucked.

As long as you found an excuse to shame her.

All christians are hypocrites, because their theology is a logical contradiction.

Terrific. Then the story belongs in Reader’s Digest for midwestern septuagenarians to read while taking a shit. I look forward to the author not mailing it in and actually reporting on something newsworthy

You understand shaming is only as effective as the person on the receiving end chooses it to be, right? I mean, seriously, in your imagination, are all girls and women made of tissue paper and incapable of forming their own opinions? So you think anyone, for a picosecond, took her seriously?

Yeah. And he won’t be billed a dime for any of the revue and medical services because he doesn’t live in a third world country like the United States.

What’s bizarre is their kids don’t read and their parents can’t scrape together $15 for a grooming essential.