
At first I thought the girl up top with the mop deserved an assist, but watching it again I don’t think anybody at the top of the stairs even touched that rat. He runs/falls down the steps on his own, and then he meets the slapshot of 2017 as a reward for his troubles.

Not sure what shower girl did, but middle two did nothing but shriek. Downstairs, you the real MVP.

Usually unwise to pick up so many discarded Trojans.

As always, Norm’s the best.


This is the comment that I needed to feel better about the world before I went to bed. It’s brilliant. My thanks.

Guy hitting .205 in High-A ball is worried about the wrong Mendoza.

Bring back the ambulance bowling over players!

I think that’s a very reasonable take.

#HotTake: This was intentionally done by a team employee who 1) thought it would be funny or 2) was making a statement about the team trading for him. Because the chance that this was a random occurrence- that song for that player- is zero.

It does kill me that he still can’t lay off sliders low and away even though everyone in the park knows it’s coming with 2 strikes. Hopefully a demotion can give him a proper reset and some pressure-free ABs.

As a Dodgers fan, let me clear some things up here. First of all, full disclosure - I love Puig. I don’t think Josh Reddick (or Jay Bruce) is the answer, either option makes the LA lineup too left-handed (Utley, Seager, A-Gon, Pederson, Reddick).

Because Milo told them to.

I went through last night and tried to report as I could, and of course I sent Leslie some love via tweet. But my god. My fucking god.

If you are single and childless, $130,000 (US) is more than enough money a year to spend all your vacation time globe trotting. That’s more money than most middle class families of 4 or 5 make per year.

Go slap 130k into any website that spits out your position in the income distribution of your country of choice and then come back again and tell us how 130k isn’t that much money.

I hope she uses her writing skills to keep speaking out against him and rape culture. Her voice is compelling, and even if this judge couldn’t bother to listen, others will.

This article is bad, the author is worse, and Lil B the Based God can go fuck himself.