
It’s not a theory. Beyonce’s Irreplaceable was definitely atop the Billboard Hot 100 when Winterkorn became CEO.

The good news is you can get a car the size of an Accord for the price of a Civic

Said before, say it again. The Coast guard is the only service that really pulls its own weight and gets value for tax dollars. It is criminal it gets so overlooked.

Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.

In Sweden we don’t need warning labels for everything.

Just looks like an average atlanta commuter move

A Møøse once bit my sister ...

Jalopnik motorsports park?

“Power saving mode”

So if anyone’s wondering, the biggest signed number you can hold in a standard 32-bit integer is 2,147,483,727. Which is

Very funny, but no Windows install has ever managed to run for 248 days without crashing.

Must be running Window OS.


I really wish I had made this. To whoever you are, you are my new hero.

Lamboat (dude).

I want to laugh but I can't. I just wrote a check to Uncle Sam and read this, makes my blood boil. The incompetence, arrogance and pure ignorance. Embarrassing.

Will it come with a transmission that grenades with every bump?

So that's what they look like when they need turning?