
Although there are DRM free options, most games are purchased through platforms now (Steam, Epic, GOG). 99% of people playing games likely don’t have backups. If those services shut down, bye bye games. I’m not sure it is any less secure than cloud gaming in that regard.

Is your argument that a CEO, having no supervisors, is effectively “above the law” in the company? As long as he doesn’t affect shareholders he can do as he pleases?

Difficulty slider in this game is really just a way to indicate how much you want to minmax. There are 25 base classes that really decrease need to multiclass due to number of hybrids. Pick a base class and use the recommendations on level up. Set NPCs to auto level. You then have an enjoyable game. 

Someone already mentioned Zvox. They have a $200 soundbar entry that gets good reviews. They also make a “base” that you simply put your TV on top of. I have a base that I really like. The dialog enhancement works relatively well. More importantly, the sound is great for the price.

Someone already mentioned Zvox. They have a $200 soundbar entry that gets good reviews. They also make a “base” that

They are more expensive because they are lithium, not NiMH

They are more expensive because they are lithium, not NiMH

You do realize that Biden supporters could say the exact same thing about any of the other candidates if they had won. We had primaries. He won. He wasn’t my first choice. Now we are in the finals. Sorry your favorite lost, but all reasonable American need to vote now to save the country.

It’s frankly sad how shallow you appear to be... Have some guilt bubbling up?

Agreed. That said, if companies gave better deals for longstanding, loyal customers instead of encouraging churn, they wouldn’t have this headache to deal with.

Agreed. That said, if companies gave better deals for longstanding, loyal customers instead of encouraging churn,

One of my two PS3 controllers had a failed battery or charging cicuitry. It happened not long after warranty period. I dont play daily and I find popping in a pair of enloops into an xbox controller much more reliable than any built in battery packs I have on my ps4 or switch. Give me AA batteries!

Cant wait. Gaming time is limited for me. I played control, Outer Worlds, then Jedi Fallen Order. Been a good 6 months of gaming.

There are three spots that I remember being hard enough to cause me to die more that once and I normally am an RPG player. Max out your throw and redice its energy costs with mods. It’s hard to miss with a forift.

Maybe a star trek style viewscreen along the back window. It wouldn’t be in the forward view arc to distract driving.

I toggled it off a few days ago on PC (epic games launcher).

As someone on the supplier side (rather than consumer) of mental health treatment, I always see these depictions as condemning of the mental health field. It clearly seems that someone with a damaged brain is being tied down, mistreated, possibly abused. I'm not saying that's any better. It's just an interesting

Uh, so its "extreme" to be on the side that thinks white nationalism is terrible? Both sides coverage makes sense for health care, education, taxes, the national debt. If covering both sides gives voice to a nazi, you only cover one side.

Also BG3 at some point.

I suspect this is not about user data caps. This is to entice developers to make that initial download less than 200 mg. This decreases the amount of data that Apple has to store and send out to millions of people. With the number of users and number of apps in the app store, this is not insignificant.

One can get superauto machines that will truly be one touch (steams/froths milk and adds it to the drink) for the same price or less. If you don’t mind doing the milk part yourself then there are a number of cheaper options.

One can get superauto machines that will truly be one touch (steams/froths milk and adds it to the drink) for the

This is why the fight for a specific wage is not helpful. Minimum wages need to be tied to local cost of living and inflation.

Yep. Cx9 owner here. The screen is in the perfect location. I have a family member with an Audi SQ5. The Audi screen looks like it’s a tablet mounted on a vent clip based on location. My Mazda screen is also in the right place for visibility whereas the Audi's is low. Don't get me started on navigating the