
I think their videos are fine and mostly unobjectionable, and so I generally agree with much of what you say.  But I don’t think you can turn videos of your kid playing with toys into a content machine that generates $25.5 million in revenue without a “ruthless sense of opportunism.”

How did this guy ever step foot in NASA?

Yeah, you can hit that little A/C button to “turn on the A/C”, but if it’s cold inside and you aren’t running the defroster, it does absolutely nothing. The compressor only throws-out if the thermostat tells it to.

WOW! You can install something? Holy shit you must be able to engineer it, too! You totally know what you’re talking about then!

jesus. ever notice that the a/c and the temperature controls are different buttons/dials/whatever in the car? there’s a reason for that.

Big Maga energy in this comment

Winter air is cold. Cold air holds less moisture than the warm air inside the air. When you heat up the cold air from outside, the relative humidity drops.

Every single car does this automatically. It’s how defroster settings work.

You buried the lede. The real story is: “Ricky Schroder Has $150,000.”

You don’t kill multiple people out of self defense.  The argument that you thought one guy was going to kill you don’t somehow give you the right to spray bullets into a crowd.

And to add to that, the motherfucker who bought the gun for him didn’t want to give it to him when he asked for it, but was too much of a fucking pussy because he didn’t want Rittenhouse to “throw a bitch fit.”

4 out of 5 murders love Black Rifle Coffee!

I blame Woodrow F Call for not acknowledging his paternity

Haha or give it the keurig treatment. But the left is the purveyor of the cancel culture isnt it? #ConstantHypocrisy

Maybe sit in it while it’s burning like some guys did with the Nike’s 

Huh? The school has multiple lavatories. They actually make an appearance on screen. Why are wizards pooping on the floor?

i was done when she revealed that wizards poop on the floor and just magic it away. it was a real ‘huh, now that you mention it, harry potter is actually trash that i don’t want’ moment

Been in the Triangle since ‘98, currently in Durham. So, one of the admittedly less shitty places to live here... but there are plenty of people who would love it to become the same shit show the rest of the state is wallowing in.

If the Lincoln Project is right and 3-7% (they initially thought 2-3, now they are thinking 5-7) of Republican voters are “gettable” this can only help with that right?