We’ve come back around to Microsoft saying that Edge browser cannot be uninstalled from Windows 10 now. :/
We’ve come back around to Microsoft saying that Edge browser cannot be uninstalled from Windows 10 now. :/
Exactly. If the app makers had to make their own storefront and run their own servers or hire an outside company to do it, or make a physical product and sell in stores, how much do we think they’d be paying for that? Would it be a 30% cut from their retail price? More?
Is it fair when a retail store puts a manufacturer’s products in their stores, sometimes advertises them, displays them prominently as to sell, and sells them for a profit? Why is the App Store any different than a retail front end? App makers must build in a profit to their price just like any manufacturer.
I don’t see how this is different from Walmart selling other companies’ items for a profit in their stores. Apple makes the phone, the store is on their phone, they make a profit from sales through their store. App makers price accordingly.
How much do you want to bet that if Apple said it was ok for Epic to allow them to use their own payment processing that Epic would not have lowered the prices?
It was ok for protestors to come to the Tennessee capitol with guns, with the inherent threat they bring, and protest for “reopening.” But as soon as someone said “black lives matter” and camped out, they needed stricter laws. I wonder why people protest about black lives mattering? Hmmmm...
Truly, this. Without a gun, she still could have gotten all the yelling in that she wanted and not be seconds from killing someone.
Nice micro aggression
I just had this happen to me a few hours ago from France. How is this even happening? I know that no one else has the password I used for this, so it’s not leaked out there anywhere with my email address.
Yeah, that shit irks me when people say “it was a different time” to say that racism was ok once upon a time. People have pretty much always known it was bad or evil.
You’re so right. The Civil War was due to a State’s rights issue. Southern State’s rights to own slaves and have that “property” returned to them by Northern States if the “property” escaped to those states. Good ole, natural State’s rights. That’s all it was.
Nixon did actually do kind of something in this capacity for chronic kidney failure. He signed the extension for Medicare to cover almost any kidney dialysis universally saving hundreds of thousands of lives of people who couldn’t otherwise afford to get dialysis to continue living.
I somehow got 3.375%/30 yr in 2016 and haven’t seen anything lower except 15 year, which I can’t afford monthly.
I was able to get some hand sanitizer with this yesterday. Assuming Amazon ships it and it arrives by Friday.
For a person that doesn’t shake out his dirty laundry... why do you shake out your dirty laundry? What purpose does it serve?
Well, given that they mark the spaces and make them that large, it’s also easy. Freeform parking is where it’s harder. Especially when you PP, and come back and now there are 2 different cars closer to you than when you parked. You’re not leaving. :(
I think in my state that you don’t have an actual driving test if you are 18+ and getting your license for the first time, just the written test and an eye test. Which is so ridiculous to me.
The liquid left over from boiling eggs in the IP did not make a very good gravy.
I’d say, since you can already afford to tie your money up for a whole year by leaving it with the IRS until refund time, instead of adjusting your deductions, you can probably afford to just put it into Amazon with an extra bonus if you’re going to spend the money there anyway. At the same time, however, you should…
The internet used to be so much better than now.