
Not a comedy tour but a tour comedy. Just like the French would say, tour du comedy... fancy!

In college we used to fill our bong with vodka or whiskey and smoke till we couldn’t see straight. Looking back on it now, it doesn’t seem too healthy.... it lead to many a pizza with too many toppings.

Yay fake news but just for one day... no thx. Our “news” is already fucked not funny anymore, sry

I feel like the well is dry when it comes to Lord of the Rings games. People dont want original stuff since the films were so culturally relevant/popular.


WTF is Shudder? 

I love seeing how and where these individual artists contribute to OW! A-meizing!

Woah, I thought they were the same person!?

I keep calling this movie, “This is Us.” It’s creating confusion and people think I’m watching it wrong when I tell them how terrified I am of watching it.

Glad someone said it! Drakes on it ffs

Yeah, that’s a no go for me. I read up a little on The Lesser Key of Solomon and The Magus and I’m done. I guess without TV or internet people come up with some wacky ass shit to “entertain” themselves.

I did a deep dive into Paimon and the Occult after seeing this film. I was trying to research it so I wouldn’t be as creeped out... cause even 3 days after seeing it I’M STILL CREEPED OUT.

heh I was going to say the same thing. Props. I’ll give you one “like”

Yeah, his name IS funny good point... any Apu jokes handy? Thank you come again? Why is this OK?

John Steinbeck even wrote propaganda back in ww 2 ... although that could be argued that he wrote for for a fascist-free world, not shilling for a defense contractor who gets boners for a war-filled world.

“rupture tendons”

Could he be drumming up press for that underground, tunnel highway in LA?

Agreed. I download movies all the time, I think that making boxes for all of them seems both pointless and weird. Like Im trying to literally idolize them. What happens if/when the box breaks? Make a new one? What happens when you lose the digital copy? Keep the box?

So Trump leaves the Paris climate agreement and everyone loses their shit.

What no mandatory shot of Jeph Kaplan, director of OW enjoying his latte??