
It seems like a fairly simple answer. Prosecution will remain about the same.

We will let the police handle it. They will have to find another way into the phones or find another source for the evidence. Simple as that. Simply allowing the government a back door to our data might fix one problem but it creates many more. The police will find a way to convict criminals. But if they don’t,

Well I think Apple is just protecting their own ass here as any corporation would. Now that they know about the security flaw, they could be liable for any damages incurred by a customer who’s data was stolen using this glaring security flaw. They can’t not fix it. If the government tries to re write the

Thats not Apple’s problem. Apple’s problem is that they have a glaring security flaw in their devices and they need to patch it, otherwise they are negligent in their duties to their customers and open themselves up to a lawsuit if any of the data on one of their customers’ phones gets stolen. Especially since they

So law enforcement unlocked thousands of phones, and yet they say little on how successful the operations were. You would think they would be screaming from the rooftops saying how many people they saved through forcibly unlocking phones. But they remain mostly silent, so it seems that even their data doesn’t support

The deal will fall apart when Fox tries to call Comcast to negotiate, only to get put on hold for 45 minutes, then transferred four times before they finally get fed up and sell to Disney instead.

I propose the following New Challenger:

Honestly for a corporate chain, it’s not bad given the price.

I dont know where you live but Domino’s is probably the best national chain at this point.

i can assure you california roads are not the worst. come to the midwest and east coast where we have yearly freezing/thawing cycles.

The Deliverator’s car has enough potential energy packed into its batteries to fire a pound of bacon into the Asteroid Belt. Unlike a bimbo box or a Burb beater, the Deliverator’s car unloads that power through gaping, gleaming, polished sphincters. When the Deliverator puts the hammer down, shit happens.

I just pointed out that this was more Snow Crash, but you beat me to it by at least a minute...

This is more Snow Crash than anything Gibson wrote. Snow Crash literally starts with a pizza delivery.

Same materials list.

Or you neglect the potholes in favor of employee pensions and bullet trains to nowhere.

... By reducing the amount of money spent preventing and repairing potholes. It’s not that big of a mental leap...

They paving companies probably don’t want to set a precedent of working with private individuals. Private individuals like to haggle; municipal government just writes a check.

Like, not directly. There’s no pothole god who creates potholes in anger everytime a corporation pays less tax.

Kinda poetic actually. Tax breaks for corporations are part of the problem and now some of the resulting issues have landed back in their court again to fix.