
The first of many more videos to come ....

I would agree with this and also add changing your number after the purchase as this person will NEVER be satisfied.

9 of them in the family, no issues with any of them over 10 years with most at or over 100k. I disagree.

Ford Edge SEL - only totally misses three items, one of which is the name being a number. Pretty good, right?

Temperature gauges switchable to Celsius? What kind of Commie is this guy?!?!

So its just the same Accord that’s been stolen 52,224 times?

It’s just the owners stealing them back from the thieves, and then the next day the thieves come back and so on.

Now playing

He was replying to this video in question. Happened in Kazakhstan a few days ago. Massive flooding and the owner decided to drive through (idiot).

Your dealer must really suck. I never experience any of this and the only time I’ve ever been aggressively “up-sold” was at a place like Jiffy Lube.

It’s simple. Jowls + cowling = Jowlings.


Dude, spring for the snow tires, there is likely a lot more snow to come.

If you do not use a turn signal you are an asshole. PERIOD.

Two Genesis.