
Oh yeah, blame it on the liberals when the GOP failed to take the correct action (providing larger stimulus payments) when they had power. Really? Are you truly that stupid or are you just willfully ignoring everything that happened before Biden took office?

You’re not arguing in good faith at all. The checks didn’t even start going out until the week of January 4th, when the runoff election took place. And everybody with more sense than a can of beans knows that the $1400 is the rest of the “down-payment” Joe Biden mentioned, in addition to the $600 for a total of $2000.

If you think impartial journalism is dead, you might just need to expand your diet.

If you want your relief you ought to be screaming at the Senate (in particular, but not exclusively, its Republican half) not at Biden.

Remind me what the 600 we got plus the 1400 we’re getting is because I forget how to math.

They walked their number down? Not sure if I follow, Democrats promised to pass a total of $2000 stimulus check. The same number the twice impeached orange man wanted. $600 was already given while Republicans were in power, the remaining $1400 is being worked on while also trying to pass it without the obstructionist

Seems like the guideline is 30mph, not 45 mph, so I stand corrected.
High speed splitting is absolutely a dangerous thing.
Going down at 45 will indeed get you beaten up, even with gear, and that’s not considering the even worse scenario of going down in between other vehicles at that speed

“Traffic roundabouts increase traffic accidents over intersections”

As a person who thinks motorcyclists should be able to take this risk if they so desire, the pedantic statistician in me still can’t help but call out how ridiculous your comment is.

Is he also an alcoholic? What’s the deal with the red noses?

The title of the article states the penis is uncut.  Double entendre.  

Well, considering motion sickness bracelets are absolute nonsense pseudoscience garbage, I can see why they don’t help.

Seriously, it is not been established enough that we now realize adolescence doesn’t end at 18, but actually 24 and we need to seriously rethink some adult privileges afforded to people when they turn 18 or 21.

There will be exceptions to any statement. I guess that I can elaborate on “financial sense”. I was quoted (on average) at about $35,000 for my house. I’ve never had an electric bill of $300. But let’s say, for this, I do. 300 is 0.8% of 35,000. That lump of cash can do WAY more for me than pay a $300 electric bill.

Because your prefrontal cortex doesn’t finish developing until you’re 25 years old and it has been hypothesized that it’s important in processing feelings of gratification, both instant and delayed

I’ve got a whole collection of Tangerine Dream.  I won’t say it’s in regular rotation on my playlists, but once in a while I get into that playlist and enjoy it for an evening.

Eh, I’d argue that as a blanket statement, your comment is not really true. It’s pretty regionally-dependent, solar absolutely makes financial sense in my state. I guess it also depends on your definition of “financial sense.” If I’m at net 0 electrical usage from my utilities (easily attainable with my local climate)

Sorcerer is epic. I like it better than the original The Wages of Fear.  If for no other reason than the score by Tangerine Dream.


The nice thing to do may be to help Tracy come up with a reasonable expectation on price. I don’t think asking $5k to offensively high, but it’s pretty high. You have to ask for more than you want because people will lowball you no matter what the price is, and ultimately Tracy will maybe get $3-3.5k which is about