Terraform Earth!
Terraform Earth!
I feel like you might not be very versed in how invested the Unites States is in its own military industry. Not only politically, but economically. There are politicians from both parties that you will NEVER see vote against military spending or curtailing thereof simply because they have enormous military…
Shit man, I've hit a lot of curbs, haven't ever experienced this. Seems like the joint is made out of bamboo or has some serious QA issue
This is like how we thought Mittens Romney was the end of democracy when he was running for President...how naive and unprepared we were
Tesla fanboys act like Elon invented the electric car. Not only is it a much older idea than him, but even the current wave of EVs was under way before Elon joined the party. The Nissan Leaf came out a year before the Model S, and was a much more accessible car to the masses. (I don’t count the original Roadster…
Nice comment, that’ll definitely silence up all those conservatives who complain that Progressives hate America.
I think you’re onto something, but not just people, let’s send Musk to Mars. I think he’d like being king of his own planet, population: 1.
If a 99 Honda can take a few curb hits over 10 years and not crumple into scrap, what the fuck is a Tesla’s excuse?
I know I can’t give you guys too much flack since I live in what is basically now an anti-science theocratic conservative dystopia (a.k.a. Brazil), but damn, AOC is a treasure and you should back her up as much as possible. Also, stop voting for all of those congressists, including the democrats. Making a black list…
If a little “curb contact” busts a ball joint or breaks a control arm, your car is a piece of shit. Go walk down your street and you’ll probably find curb rash on 9 out of 10 sets of wheels. Then note how many of them also have busted ball joints.
“Elon is literally saving the world”
Yeah, look at this guy Perez. In 2 weeks time (which is what just about every country asks for self quarantine after international travel), he flew from Austria to Mexico to Italy to GB. What the heck?!
Holy sweet cannoli, some of these people defending Musk.
I’ve hit some crazy things with much cheaper cars and never had the wheel come off. Tesla needs to stand by their product instead of coming up with bullshit excuses why they shouldn’t. Tesla isn’t quite mainstream enough to pull this shit.
I heard former MN governor Jesse Ventura was involved. Just a rumor, but I heard they have him on film.
It'll land on Mars just in time for Don Jr's term and the total collapse of the country
Captain/Colonel Coil