
Theres already a lot of surplus grid capacity overnight, though. Enough for all of us to charge simultaneously? No, probably not. But most of us. We dont ALL need home battery backup - the cars themselves are the battery, after all. Home solar, yeah that’s probably wise. Keep your car plugged in whenever you’re home,

Have fun raiding the Castle!  Try not to get thrown into an unmarked van by the Secret Police.

I had an automatic as the car before the one I own now and went back to a manual for my current car. I really enjoy it.

“How about just renaming it to General Shitboxes Sponsored by JD Powah, there Pauch?”

Generaliq Motiqs

I guess it's weird if you make an exaggerated sniffing sound?

Touché! You know how to work it <bowing>

I believe the clinical term for such behavior is Really Fucking Weird.

“They often feel entitled to violate boundaries most of us accept and abide by”

I drove manuals in hours long traffic on the 405 in LA. It’s shitty, but it’s shitty in anything. It wasn’t enough to make me want to quit the clutch.

Life Hack: Constantly mispronounce “Bagel” in order to quickly identify narcissists who try to correct you.

Thanks. He’s a decent enough guy, but I avoid talking to him.

Legit lol, I wish you luck in your future engagements with this individual 

When you look at it on a day to day level, I agree with you, for the most part. A person who collects cars in their yard can be a nice person, or a total asshole. Collecting, in and of itself, doesn’t really say anything about the person.

I have one of em in the original post, I think it’s just the file straight from the website. 

I’ve been meaning to grab a few of those bumper stickers for years now. Hope there’s still a way, or a hi-res scan of one (since free was an option on the site)

Exactly. Here at work with no sound. Can someone give the written version?

Same. Let’s get a written copy, please. 

Seriously, how many of us are reading this at work and can’t take 5-10 minutes to watch a video? I almost exclusively read this site while I am at work.

I won’t spoil the story for you