
At some point in the last 3-4 years, everyone decided that the best internet memes are the most pointless ones that make the least sense. I’m 25, and I don’t get it either.

And what do you when the dinosaurs are attacking and you can't stop? Swear to god man, this EV propaganda never thinks it through

Oh I wasn't aware celebrating racism and jingoism is "seeing the truth." Let me amend my worldview 

Then you stop for 10 minutes and only charge it partially. I wish I could say that I’m shocked at how people are still finding ways to be such naysayers about the progress of EVs, but idiots are gonna be idiots and progress never comes without those who fight against it.

What kind of dumb response is this?”

This is the most American question ever.

Then you don’t recharge the battery at all? What kind of dumb question is this. Does your gas car gain any range when you buy your burger king garbage food?

It’s not racist to want borders... and that’s fine, because all countries have ‘em! What is racist, on the other hand, is patrolling a border with no authority but an imagined one bestowed by God and hunting brown people like animals. Which is what the skin glorifies. And, I guess, what you’re defending apparently?

I don’t understand this at all. The fact that some people (I don’t see any) react to this one article with anger and vitriol doesn’t tell you anything about how strongly they feel about any other issue.

It’s not “racist” to want borders.”

The buffer you mention is fine, but it doesn’t really change anything with respect to what can happen in a 30 second window when a vehicle is moving at highway speed, during which period the vehicle is incapable of managing the real world itself.

I think conflict with the usage arises from coupling “autopilot” to verbiage like “full potential for autonomous driving,” regardless of fine print. A) that second phrase is very vague and B) the two are, as you’ve illustrated by thoroughly explaining how you use an autopilot yourself, somewhat contradictory. An

30 seconds is an eternity when you're hurtling down the highway at 80mph and it only takes 1 strike to kill yourself and other people 

You guys need to stop pretending Tesla isn’t making Autopilot seem like it is more than it truly is. They are most definitely purposely trying to be deceptive with it. For god’s sake, it literally says “Full Self-Driving Capability” as the title of the option.

Stop, the name of the skin is clearly racist and that orange crayon of doom pushing for walls and borders while ripping families apart, some of whom are ARE HERE LEGALLY mind you, is the catalyst for this kind of open hate! I always find it so funny that people are quick to jump on illegal immigrants breaking the law

Look at all the big name developers getting outed as harassers; is there any reason to think there aren’t a bunch of big name racists, too? They’re just smart enough to be clever about it, or the “it’s just a joke bro” kind.

It would be nice if cops followed laws.

Who said racist? You keep saying racist. The article never mentions the word racist.

A post that has nothing to do with the topic of the article a plainly racist skin in a video game.

They should have renamed it: War Criminal