Executive director Anita Sarkeesian, the founder and face of pop-culture criticism outfit Feminist Frequency, is perhaps the most recognizable person behind the Games and Online Harassment Hotline
Executive director Anita Sarkeesian, the founder and face of pop-culture criticism outfit Feminist Frequency, is perhaps the most recognizable person behind the Games and Online Harassment Hotline
I used to pretend to talk on the car phone in my 90s 3 series at lights
I was unaware that turgidity was an integral part of elk hunts.
I just wanted to say I like these Bikelopnik articles you're writing
A decent sentiment when picking a car color, a bad sentiment when considering whether or not to wear a mask during a pandemic
Wait, who do you think the Bronco is targeting? When you show up to Whole Foods next time half of those 50 year old suburban dads will be busy parking a Bronco.
- A bank account with $3-5k just set aside for an emergency repair
Manual air conditioning
Is it me, or the do the steelies look really good on it? They go with the whole retro thing.
Option package pricing “closer to launch,” was all I could learn. I don’t think it will be $10,000... maybe more like... $3,999. Could be even less, really. FX4 is only a couple grand on some Rangers and F-Series models.
Yeah, all “play as anyone you see” tells me is that there’s no depth to anyone and characters are completely interchangeable.
I'm with Fahey, I'll never go back to a non-trackball mouse. They seem so quaintly uncomfortable when I have to use one now
“play as literally anyone you see”
See, you’re only engaging in the 2nd-most worthless thing in the world! I’m number 1! (also, I was looking for a citation I’d used, so I didn’t have to go digging again. Alas, the digging again had to be done.)
“No, but the point of the article was that we should just avoid the negative news because it hurts our feelings”
*phew* I didn't think there were too many things in the world more worthless than internet commenting, but you've show me today that digging into the archive of old internet comments is the new standard of worthless. Thank you.
You do not need to consume everything that the news media puts out. The news media has to justify a 24 hour news cycle by filling it with redundant content.
And this brings us to doomscrolling: constantly checking your news and social media feeds for new information.
It’s not about shielding yourself. It’s about not letting it overwhelm your time and mental energy.