
I had plenty of speeding tickets back in the day that say you were wrong. And in any vaguely urban area speeds were MUCH higher due to less congestion. My first car was an ‘82 Subaru with a mighty 78hp or so, and it was perfectly happy to zip down the Maine Turnpike at 80mph. Just took a bit longer to get there than

Up here in Canada we’ve had a recent series of incidents where the police show up to do a “wellness” check, and the person they are checking on winds up dead. It seems sending in scared people with guns to deal with someone having a mental breakdown might be a tad counter-productive. They really need to be sending out

In Toronto, taking away mental wellness checks from police is exactly what will happen after two recent wellness checks ended in police shooting and killing the people they were supposed to be checking on for “wellness”

Deal with the world as it is, not as you think it should be.

This, to me, is the much larger issue.

All short haul heavy and light goods vehicles should be electric as soon as possible. Buses too. All these vehicles with very predictable movement patterns ought to be electric. Even with a whopping 150kW battery, this thing will easily improve on the lifetime CO2 output of an ICE truck.

About electric garbage trucks, Seattle has been using them already, made by BYD, with 56 mile range:

Yeah, most of these trucks don’t leave the city. That’s what they’re for. 

“How about people stop breaking the freaking law”

That is no way close to what you were actually saying in your comments. 

As was noted well, here, until the 60’s and 70’s, most city police departments didn’t do traffic enforcement. Then some genius accountant has a bright idea to “save money” by rolling that function into the police.

You have to realize on some level how incredible stupid your last comment was. You’re white, but pass for black? You know have no idea how other people get treated by the police, but you could watch plenty of black people on youtube who get pulled over and threatened when they have broken no law or traffic violation,

Yeah, city cops don’t patrol interstates in most jurisdictions. So I wouldn’t expect Berkeley to be missing out on drug busts on the 5.

“How about people stop breaking the freaking law and just obey basic driving privileges, then you won’t worry about being pulled over and maybe harassed.”

I have to slightly disagree. We should be re-evaluating the current laws. Modern vehicles with modern suspension, moderns brakes, improved traction should be able to comfortably go at least 10 above current speed limits on major streets and 80mph on most hwys and autobaun on particularly quiet straight hwys.

> How about people stop breaking the freaking law and just obey basic driving privileges, then you won’t worry about being pulled over and maybe harassed.

“I’ve not personally had a bad interaction with the police” is not a good justification.

Yes, red light cameras have never brought in additional revenues.

I’d rather implement speeding/redlight cameras (with associated penalties) and save the traffic enforcement for things like car accidents or dangerous driving. Most of the revenue stops end up targeting BIPOC unnecessarily while cameras are universal

This is a HORRIBLE idea. If these “employees” do not proactively do some serious policing there will be hordes more criminals”