
Lol, Jesus Christ, reality check on aisle 5. I sure hope you have your AR15 on you so you can stand your ground against a bunch of peaceful protesters if you ever find yourself in this position

No one here is defending those people. Just the assholes who use their car as a weapon.

You are the problem

Your shitty mall crawler being slowed down by protests doesn’t justify endangering the lives of others. You are not that important, and neither is your vanity school bus.

I’m going to go ahead and say I’d much rather protest for justice than do whatever your comment is. 

Let me copy and paste part of a comment I made not that long ago. Unfortunately.

If you are in a car and deliberately driving into a protest, you are the problem.

There is a HUGE difference between a bunch of people surrounding a car, and a car running over people. In the first instance nobody is harmed, merely inconvenienced. In the second instance it’s attempted murder. Are you saying your time is worth killing people for?

FUCK Jalopnik readers who defend asshole drivers who attempt to murder people with their cars.

This reminds me of the time we got stuck in the Freddie Gray protests while in Baltimore. I had to run over an intersection full of people to escape with my life.

FoLlOw ThE lAw AnD rEsPeCt ThE pOlIcE!*

They also do longer crits (which are boring), so make sure you look for the short ones.

I'm playing "bitchass" in the Middle English sense, meaning a woven basket used to carry hops and other grains

You can do whatever you want with your Scrabble tournaments, but “fuckstick” will always be welcome at my home games

lol Imagine thinking that disallowing words at an event is the same as removing them from existence. The words are not allowed because it does not behoove the organization to allow them. This is no different from any sports organization disallowing certain techniques or tools; these things still exist, they just can’t

you’re human garbage and nobody will ever love you.

The word of which you speak has been removed, under Slur: Sexual Orientation. 

da edgemasta has logged on

Do you often find yourself in professional scrabble tournaments, internet commenter “vegsmashed”?

The first word on the list is “arse”.  Really?  That’s pretty damn strict.  Like prudishly so.