
I think you’re wrong. I don’t think most Americans think beyond their own personal experience when it comes to gas and car ownership and I say that as an American who lived abroad for 5 years. Hearing other Americans relate how shocked and outraged they were at the pump when they left America was a very common

I did a double take at “utterly wonderful,” I’ve always thought 2 is hot garbage water. The original is one of my favorite childhood games

That watch is your girlfriend?

Yeah, I think part of the problem is what you're saying is inherent to public ownership, that those who pump the most money in have the most say. That doesn't *have to* be the case, but you're spot on that that's the way it is right now. It's the same problem with American politics, it's overrun with concessions to

Ehhh, let’s not over-correct here. I hate American corporatism with the heat of a thousand suns, but public interest and investment in companies is a good thing, the people of your land *should* be interested and invested in the businesses doing business in their area. It just needs to be tightly controlled and

DotEmu publishes some great work. The Wonder Boy remaster was bad ass, that was one of my faves on the ol Sega console

I don't think I had ever beaten the Xmen beatemup until then

Lol for real, "I don't even remember why I'm in this dungeon! Wait, is that pile of sand why I'm here!?" 

I loved Daggerfall as a kid. Resting in the inn shooting fireballs in a hotel room until my Destruction skill was 100, breaking into the smithy to get that Daedric longsword...

My ‘69 Barracuda (may it rot in an icy hell of hairpin turns and sparse gas availability) is probably a pile of rust by now. I owned it in the desert SW and some dude from Pittsburgh flew down and bought it from me and drove it back. Such a stupid car, doubly so for a 17 year old.

This is my take as well. I deal with a high volume auditing system and pencil whipping is a constant encroaching threat. Doubly so when, as you mentioned, an individual can expect that the other 799 people on their team will catch any mistakes or lapse in thoroughness

etc to push products”

They had a bunch of these games at a nickel arcade in my town and it was great getting to play and beat the whole game on like $1.50

“Under a government centered economic system such a mistake could easily be a criminal offense resulting in imprisonment”

Man, I had Privates in the Army under my command that literally cost the tax payer millions from honest goofs and they didn’t get fired, this poor dude. Fuck capitalism

You should've come over and said hi, I'm a nice guy

Confusing arrangement of images