
“VIN Etching”

Hmmm, I dunno if bothsidesism is really going to be the best look for you here

Ethan Hawke has lead me to believe it’s fairly simple outpatient surgery

Woof, you sound like quite the little pissy bitch yourself here 

Can you do something with gorm or is it one of those words that can’t exist without its suffix?

“fully vetting it”

The engine noise thing is something I would be aware of as I’m buying, but i would have no idea if it’s an issue for me until I have the experience. I dunno man, your entire response is “yeah, duh guy. You obviously didn’t know what you were doing when you bought this Tesla” when his complaints are probably things

Not only do Teslas fans find it necessary to unnecessarily defend the front-man of the company, it turns out they also find it necessary to tell other people that their complaints are unwarranted and they should've thought of all these things before they bought the car, or somehow retroactively already known about them

If lynch isn't available to you then I guess you're expanding your vocabulary and putting that brain to work, the ostensible goals of the game 

Damn these censors and the shackles they have placed upon me! If only I could guess “pussy!”

Yeah I think it’s an interesting dissection of data, thanks! Americans making many more small individual donations, Canadian business interests and wealthy individuals making fewer but larger donations. I don’t know what it really says about the 2 populations, but it’s disconcerting to see it on both sides of the

I don’t really understand why that distinction is important, but if it’s important to you then you’re free to express your displeasure or choose to not play the game anymore. I’m in Iminabag’s camp after reading the comments over the last several Wordle articles, while I agree with people’s right to their displeasure,

Ugh, the Freemen are so stupid. There was an article a couple weeks ago about them denouncing driver's licenses

I concur. Wait until “lynch” is the word of the day on the same day that news about another murderous cop militantly gunning down another black kid breaks and it makes sense why the NYT is banning words and sculpting the product a bit

Ah OK, I see the problem is that you don’t know how to read since that’s exactly what I said “Canadians made up the majority of monetary value of the contributions"

The frame rate seems to be sped up, but still impressive 

“...donations totaling more than $8 million. A review of the data shows that some $4.3 million came from Canada, while an additional $3.6 million originated in the United States”

I like that the Speedster would allow me to live out my fantasy of having the maximum number of bugs and rocks smash into my teeth while I drive

Yeah, making a mage and going through the character creation choices really set the stage for me.