
Again, speculation. A slower growth in Disney’s spread ccaused by a series of unpopular MCU flops could have lead to other studios having more time to adapt. But it’s just mental masturbation, idle speculation about something we can’t know about

Excellent point, the lack of exposure to the diversity of story-telling in film these days is a casualty of the corporate nature of film production

Borrowing "wiki-fication" for future use on this topic, thanks

Your argument is “if things were different they wouldn’t be the same.” While that’s true, it’s not useful for examing anything as it presently is. Big romcoms or big westerns *don’t* dominate the market, the MCU does.

The expectation that films will spawn franchises that rake in billions is not a “trope,” it’s a business expectation that influences choices in which movies get made and which don’t.

Choice is key indeed. A good summation of character design 

Agree, over-exposure is the crux of the issue. Some aspects of the mystery need to remain, plumbing the depths of every nook and cranny makes for unappealing artwork IMO 

I find it OK for games although it can get a bit tedious. For movies, as the author cites, it’s definitely a problem and shaping our cinema landscape in ways that are not helpful for making artful films. Over-plumbing the depths leads just brings the audience to over-exposure and that’s only engaging on a very

Yeah, I think you make a good point. When that's the default, it's a pretty clear message

I find it hard to take every one of these prototypical Korean and Chinese ARPGs that I’ve played seriously when my sorceress has to look like a prostitute from the get-go. I picked up a weapon and chose my class in the first 5 minutes of the game, it changed my clothes and made my character’s tits fall out of her

“potentially start a class-action lawsuit”

Yeah that was also in response to your first paragraph and remains so post edit


This kind of disruption tactic has a proud tradition and was going on at least as far back as WW2. The Russians played a tango track on loop over loudspeakers at Stalingrad to disrupt sleeping German troops and make their communication more difficult. I’m sure they didn’t come up with it either.

I’m referring to your first paragraph in which you provide an unsound argument for the value assessment of pirating software, in which “ A person is either willing to buy a game or they’re not" is your premise 

Why does this “subjective values judgment” argument get trotted out as a justification for piracy all the time as if the value prospect of playing a game for $0 through piracy does not heavily influence the initial value assessment of someone who can and does pirate games and whether or not they’re going to buy it?

Yeah whatever you bunk bitch, go get some ointment for that burn!

I'm a big fan of both having whiplash and things that can give me whiplash

2022 - 2019 = x

Oh shit, that's a pretty disingenuous representation of the situation