
Condoms are also super reliable when used correctly 

Sure, Tesla is a company I don't really like with a founder I think is a total knob. However, wishing them out of existence...that seems like throwing the bathwater out with the baby 

It’s too bad you guys didn’t listen to your parents, they had a much better grasp on social support and government involvement in providing a foundation for its citizenry than you guys ended up with. Not perfect by any means, but they sure didn’t embody toxic individualism like the boomers ended up doing

Genshin Impact’s character roster has largely been dominated by pretty bishounen boys...a lot of players like their anime men to appear strong and muscular”

This discussion is turning from the existence of EVs to bans. I’m not arguing in favor of bans

I’m not bitter, I just find your fascination with your own self-interest over ICE vehicles to be rather counter-productive and silly. You sound like a gun nut, “why should I have to give up my sstockpile of high-capacity magazines when the problem is the mental health system in our country?”

Well make sure you keep complaining about people who are trying to effect positive societal-level change because it might impinge on your self-interest while wishing that these people didn’t exist, boomer

When did they go away? I had a tank platoon attached to my infantry unit in Iraq in 2009 and there definitely hasn’t been significant organizational change since then.

While true, the idealized version of change we want should not be a roadblock to the change we are able to effect. There's meaningful change happening in the auto industry, whataboutism with our electrical grid is counterproductive 

By all means, let's continue to do nothing then, let's bitch and whine about how EVs won't change 100% of our problems instead of recognizing that they're a step in a direction most people recognize as meaningful 

Probably because your comment reeks of perpetuating an unsustainable status quo, ie the favorite Boomer play from their generational playbook

This looks like a car designed by a company that makes those giant plastic pieces of playground equipment 

Don’t worry, your Boomer heart will give out soon and you won’t have to live with the pain of change for much longer

Lemme see one more Benjamin and I'm sold

I dunno, there are a lot of dumbass libertarians in the angry gamer group... 

Intelligence organizations have actually done this with Quora and social media. The most recent one that I remember was a bunch of Chinese intelligence people posting questions about the ablative shielding on some fighter aircraft or somesuch. Multiple dumbass federal contractors wanted to pull their sagging pants up

It’s short-sighted to cherry-pick though. Subscriptions could easily become the norm in car ownership, they’re already the norm in so many of our lifestyle choices and entertainment, but are often of comparably negligible cost. You mentioned several options in your comment that you enjoy having the freedom of choice

Now playing

Maybe they won big at Betfair, like these fine NJ residents, a guy who plays in his underwear and his daughter who eats cigarettes

How much quicksand is there?

“Idiotic opinions with pointless observations”