
Hmm, I’ve never found myself in these situations, but I’ll take your word for it

I can see how people might use and also abuse it in their grieving process. These things seem like they’re part and parcel with the human love affair with trying to make the past real again in their present experience. Everyone does it, I just can't place myself in the context of doing it with texts

I know there are tons of messages of greater importance than what I have on my phone, but the idea of backing up/fretting over my texts has always seemed like a top-to-bottom waste of time and resources and I suspect it’s the same for the overwhelming majority of users. I don’t want to make light of it because I’m

Then we have a debate as to whether or not someone is even eating pizza. I kid 

Excellent point, I hadn’t even considered diverse alternative food options as another factor in favor of the medium! 

Yeah, as the disparity between sizes grows larger, my "per slice" argument becomes weaker 

Yeah I think part of the basis of this comparison is the assumption that 2 mediums cost the same as 1 large

The pizza one is a bunch of crap

No it’s just human behavior, which is what we’re talking about. There is no “objective reality” here because the yardsticks are wholly subjective. This is a human perception of one large vs two medium pizzas and human perception is often that 2 mediums are more pizza than one large by the metric of slice per

Order one large pizza over two mediums”

Did you read an Onion article about the stock market being a scam and not understand what The Onion is?

Bans seem like a knee-jerk reaction to the rising feeling of impending consequences from climate change

It’s hard to argue with cynicism, but the fact is tax incentives by way of subsidies convince buyers. I bought my last vehicle partially on a $3000 tax incentive and tax credits on the early Prius models and Obama-era hybrid/electric vehicles were big movers for consumers.

“No subsidies...if the product is as great as its defenders always claim, it should be able to stand on its own merits”

how much of our lives are entangled in the Facebook empire”

Me at the beginning of the article: well this is dumb, if you’re running from a monster train just don’t go near the train tracks

Yes I also don't give a shit about racing 

Thanks for all of your hard work! It always seemed like you published a lot of content over the weekend and it’s appreciated.

That flesh-tone *puke emoji*

It looks like a brand logo I’d expect to find on cheap packaged ham