
What happened to the money launderers? How did this not go for $1.5M like that copy of Super Mario 64? The gap between ~$10000 and $1.5M is difficult to bridge for me

Personal insults, capital defense of your position old chum

“Your initial statement is only self-serving (read: self-loathing) and patently false”

Availability is only one aspect of the lack of vaccination in TX, no place in the US is suffering from lack of availability or access these days. Texas’ internal politics and stubborn republican/libertarian idiocy is another aspect altogether that’s more relevant. Texan Trump counties have some of the lowest

Ironically my friend got rejected from the academy for telling them he used to smoke weed on a polygraph. He also got weeded out

Texas, where we’ll try our hardest to shoot you in the face while we try our hardest to keep you from getting a shot in the arm

Legitimately not classified as cheese, but as a food-adjacent "cheese product" 

Everyone else is also going 80 and following way too closely

If I could have this say “welcome to corporate pandering of your sexual identity” I would.

Great Virginia? 

“but that embarrassment has been replaced with the corporate co-opting of, usually queer, sex positivity. Marketing managers saw queer femmes”

Prius Dufresne crawled through a river of shit to come out clean on the other side

“The other reason I won’t be getting it is because at some point you reach a certain age and you don’t require anything more than a clean, well-made vodka”

Mental note that Erik has questionable stances on quality alcohols 

ND, because it’s Jeep. Also those seats are remarkably stupid-looking

I heard they were putting Chinese microchips in the seatbelts and that they negatively effect male fertility, so patriots shouldn’t use them

Dismissed, laaaaammmmmeeeee

I wonder for the post itself to see you get through such a run-on sentence without a comma or period

I dunno, one of my friends used to live in an apartment complex across from a Jeep dealership, it was pretty bad. I don’t live in LA, but it’s possible that other things going on at the Fairplex are of known duration and probably brief, whereas a car dealership is an unrelenting annoyance 7-days a week, into the

My viewing experience of these shows has been a bit disappointing. For me, the downfall of these shows is that they always try to play up the silly human drama of the participants. Ninja Warrior is more listening to people’s training background and aphorisms about training than it is watching them do the course. Floor