They do a pretty good episode about that in Modern Family- Gloria wants to hire a manny and what’s-his-name (her husband) gets really upset and threatened and doesn’t want to let her hire him.
They do a pretty good episode about that in Modern Family- Gloria wants to hire a manny and what’s-his-name (her husband) gets really upset and threatened and doesn’t want to let her hire him.
The nanny is younger but certainly not more attractive than Garner. And to be frank, given that Ahnold screwed his middle aged and not overly attractive on the surface housekeeper to the point of having a child with her I don’t think looks or age mean dick when a man has a case of wandering peen. And if one believes…
That’s a one time payout to a tabloid, which I’m sure she’s negotiating even as I type this. Girl needs to learn how to play a long game. She shot her wad too early.
Oh, hahaha, I just did some quick research. I could have SWORN I read about that not too long ago! SHE STILL WAS MARRIED TO GOD AND GAVE THAT UP FOR SOME COMMON HUMAN MAN. Maria Von Tramp™, am I right? Huh? HUH?
All of those Harry Potter kids seem to have grown up to be such lovely adults.
Phew! Thank you. That statement actually shocked and upset me. Maria would NEVER steal someone’s man.
No! Baron von Trapp was already widowed when Maria started caring for the children.
Luke Perry should take a few tips from Daniel Radcliffe. Here you go, Luke. How not to be an asshat, lesson #1.
According to the Page Six article:
I love how Charlize cut out Sean right before the adoption. She prob was thinking she didn’t want to bring his BS into this child’s life. Go girl.
I'm giving it 7 months and it will be on a VERY obscure cable channel.
The hell you care about Black babies ever, conservatives.
I will be insulting people with “sentient UTI” for the rest of 2015.
It’s a sentient UTI. If that isn’t the definition of newsworthy then I don’t know what is.
my only burning concern is why CNN is giving this sentient UTI a platform to speak