smashtag hashbrowns

My favorite incoherent message I received this week:

You're right, coconut oil is comedogenic. I don't have a problem with clogged armpit pores and I've been using homemade deodorant for about a year now. If you want to try it out, don't make that full recipe because it'll last a VERY long time.

I'm very happy with my homemade deodorant program. I just mix these things together: 6 T coconut oil, 1/4 cup (4 T) baking soda, 1/4 cup (4 T) cornstarch.

HOMEMADE DEODORANT FTW!!! It won't stop you from sweating, but you won't smell. Here's the recipe I use:

I know! I really wish consent was thoroughly covered in sex ed. Maybe even with scripts and samples for good/bad consent communication.

Enthusiastic consent is FUCKING SEXY AS FUCK!!!!


Her eyeliner is seriously on point.

I do not like the idea of having a brand name that close to my clit.

I was at a beach that had sea turtle nests all along the tree line. One night, two little turtles decided to come out! They were so very cute! It was a long way to the water and there were stray dogs who were very interested in eating them, so I picked them up and walked them into the ocean.

Can a person love "foreign" foods and also be racist? Of course. However, not liking "foreign" foods leads me to suspect a few things which can be confirmed or refuted by getting to know the person. They might be xenophobic (extremely related to racism). They might not have an appreciation or respect for cultures

Not liking a variety of tasty foods is a huge dealbreaker for me.

Yes! Eating like a chicken-nuggets only toddler is not only a red flag for inflexibility and entitlement, but it is a HUGE TURN OFF for me. If I have to try to coax them to try new things, I feel like their mom and every sexual feeling will vanish in a puff of resentful smoke.

Yeah, that kind of thing is a dealbreaker for me too. And not liking any "foreign" foods would be a HUGE "possible/probable racist" red flag!

Pasta Bitch?

That gif is EVERYTHING.

Speak that truth, Madeleine!



Getting called out on being insensitive/racist/douchey= SLAVERY!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!