
Thought you was talking about Fortitude when you said polar bear.

Most of the actors in Watchmen? Apart from Malin Akerman and that guy who played ozymandias.

I really don't like the tats either but I do think the grill works.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say, the comments on this site confuse me. But I just wanna butt in and say that, from the trailers alone, Leto's Joker is way more terrifying to me than Ledger's of Nicholson's. (Are those apostrophes supposed to be there?).

Everyone says that about Vaughn's character, but I don't get it.

Where's season 3 of Hannibal on that list?

—an adaptation of a British show about a graphic novel that can predict the future—

Wasn't it only getting like 300k viewers an episode?

I love going back and reading reviews for the pilot and seeing hundreds of comments from all the shocked people who were 100% sure it was gonna suck.

My favourite season by far too. I was quite surprised when people kept saying this season is all style over substance. I think the complete removal of the procedural aspect makes it seem a lot slower than previous seasons.

I'm pretty sure they are only doing that because it has already been filmed for Sky Atlantic (the main channel behind the show), which in the UK can show anything. If they were just making it exclusively for Pivot, they wouldn't have filmed any nude stuff in the first place.