
Jake mentioned the letter and the FBI superiors will soon tell him to burn it, the next minute a guy walks in Jake asked is this your superiour to which the FBI agent nods, then there is a whisper in his ear and the next thing Jake is released, i took it that the whisper was about the letter and that made the FBI

He met Harry in the past and on his return Harry recognised him therefore they were able to discuss the time travelling stuff in order to get the story of whats happened over to the viewer. If he met Al on his return Al would have no idea who Jake was nevermind being able to talk time travel with him. If he met Al and

Time Hobo was infact the guardian of the portal in the book which is why he is against people coming through and changing stuff, the series started out with this being a possibity but by the end he was shown as just another time traveller stuck in a loop he cant change….even though Jake changed the past on his first

I didnt mind the changes to the end as they played down the supernatural aspect of story it from the start, The Yellow Card Man became just another time traveller instead of the time portal guardian, and saving Kennedy simply created an alternate timeline which just happened to be worse than the original one. The

Sounds like garbage.

Wait till its over then make a decision, if you hadnt already figured it out Sadie is the main linchpin in the show.

So you would prefer Jake to have no ties to the past just hang around for 3 years and stop the assasination then skip back through the wormhole 2 minutes after leaving. Wow that sounds like a great show. Its like watching The Warriors and complaining about the other gangs chasing them through the city.

Did Lee not get suspision when his old next door neighbours turned up as his new next door neighbours in a new town!
Also Bill being added as a way for Jake to get his thoughts out to the audience is fair enough but having Bill change the plot entirely by becoming friends with Lee is too much. They have to cut alot out

In the book (hate saying that) Jake and Sadie is the main story JFK is the sideline. In the show they focused more on JFK and Lee, removing Sadie all together or minimising her role will hugely impact on the ending, unles they decide to change that. If they do then whats the point of making this show in the first

So in this show (not your personal opinon) you belive Oswald isnt gonna be involved in the assasination attempt? Seriously

To those saying the love story is getting in the way are missing a major point that made the book so good, perhaps the TV show isnt making it clear enough but in the book Jake's love of Sadie and life in the 60's is just as important than his mission. If those moaning about Sadie cant forsee some grim ultimatums