
I’m getting nervous because I actually LOVE the skin? If I had to only buy one from this event, it’s this (even though I’ve played Lucio maybe 3 times ever). Im seeing a lot of hate for it and I know blizzard caves to that sort of thing from time to time.

I used to be a translator like you, until I took a “arrow mark” to the skin.


Uuuh, I mean, I want a new Metroid game as much as the next guy, but after the travesty that was Federation Force, I’m not gonna settle for literally anything  with the Metroid name on it. Metroid deserves better than... Rabbids.

It must have been easy to take from his rotting corpse.

Now playing

I couldn’t help myself but to put a fun little music video together featuring the awesome dances!

That BMO with full length arms and legs is just nope

it’s gonna come out in 2077 right?

I don’t think CDPR will have any problems sticking to the release date for Cyberpunk 2077

I wonder how long these infinitely expanding games can last until enough players pack up and move on. This is kind of an unprecedented era of gaming, in which games no longer seek to entertain you for 1-2 month, but try to enslave you into 5-year commitments.

Good. Remove him from the contributor program sure, but takedown threats, painting him as a homophobe, that stuff is unacceptable. We can all see the tank is a money grab.


I see your bet, and raise

Gonna watch the comment section on this one.

Funny fact: the Japanese on the twitter post says the kid was pretending to play “Poop Prince Adventure 3" on his cardboard Switch.

yeah stop doing what you and others love! listen to Nacon! He’s happy being a shit poster on a video game blog for $34 an hour!

Yes because anime is a specific type of cartoon in Japan right, not a catchall term equivalent to animation. /s

It’s funny you say that, because my first raid in Destiny was done with people I met randomly at the Vault of Glass entrance. We got together and decided to form a fire team. Some people weren’t even using mikes, or communicating and all, but they showed this general sense of teamwork, and working towards our goal