
Well, that’s not as bad then.

Yeah, I hate that system. It’s also in plants vs zombies garden warfare 2.

But Coke does make Sprite, so in a sense it is a type of coke product.

Did they move the power button? I’ve hit that may times by accident on the ‘new’ 3ds xl.

yeah I worked at retail when it came out and 9/10 parents wouldn’t buy it because they were afraid 3d would hurt their kids eyes. I’d tell them they could turn it off, but they didn’t care. Smart of them to go away from 3d most people hate it. me? meh, turned off on mine.

As someone who worked electronics in retail I feel your pain good sir.

I agree I love mystery heroes, but the only problem is if you die your ult resets. So if you team is dying more it can be snowbally where the enemy gets ults constantly and you get none. If they fixed this somehow it would be the perfect mode imo.

I could use another X-com like game in my life.

I had to the “new” 3ds otherwise it cramps my hands. not to big of a deal though.

That’s gootiful.

Yeah, The PS4 funimation app seems like it could be okay, but runs awful and it’s annoying you can only fast forward as opposed to jumping frames. Hopefully they iron it out soon, but like you said a lot of small issues lead to a big headache.

I don’t see the big deal, I mean SE put cloud in smash bros and both have characters in fortune street.


Cool, I didn’t know that. i was always second player growing up, so Luigi is my guy.

The worse part is getting late fees because of this.

Man, that’s too bad. Maybe we’ll get a good Twisted Metal after this or a remaster of TM2 *fingers crossed*

Twisted Metal 2 - 2

Yeah, I played Jet Force on that and man are the controls horrible for today’s standards. It could be somewhat fun otherwise. I think BK holds up okay though.

i think it also has a splash of X-Com.

looks cool.