

Agreed and the load times between planets/other hidden load times are very annoying.

Thanks, I had this this morning and was wondering wtf was going on.

Wow, that’s awesome. I played through virtue and the sequel, but couldn’t go back to 999 w/o the voice acting. Great change!

I hear ya, I played most of the Risen games and Two worlds and enjoyed them for what they were. I can admit most people would not though.

Idk Dragon age I had a terrible creator as well.

I found it odd that certain shines you would think a person would find at the end of the game(w/o spoiling locations) were minor tests of strength.

I just sprinted though as much as i could except the water part. As I learned from dark souls sometimes you just need to B-line to the next bonfire.

That’s similar to what I use and the trail ran smoothly. (a little frame dropping at 4k ultra)

Dang, that’s awesome!

yeah, I agree having the weapon break from using the time stop and hitting things to solve puzzles was really the only annoying thing for me with weapon durability. I just tried to keep one bad weapon for that purpose. I was surprised as I usually hate weapon durability, but didn’t in this game.

The progression is in upgrading and receiving new armor and also increasing your hearts stamina.

I thought I would really hate this mechanic, but after playing it never bothered me.

Dang, that’s awesome!

IDK, I got no man sky gifted and...yeah, still not a fan.

That was my first thought.

As someone who went to the midnight release(got one!), I feel your pain at work this morning. :(

Thanks that’s good to know about the adapter.

This isn’t a deal breaker, but is somewhat disturbing considering the whole pitch is you can play on your TV and on the go.

These are really cool!