
That would definitely by dropping the beat on us. An awesome beat.

Dang, Twisted Metal(especially 2) was a hell of a game. Overwatch is really fun too though.

After checking all the sources, this comes out factual.

Dang, I guess I’ll just have to double down on amiibo instead.

Also, nintendo/bethesda never said they were getting the remaster edition. It could just be the base game or a custom build.

She does?...I’m the reverse of the author....

This is what got me into Anime.

I think he meant bundled in not on top of the expansion price.

Yeah, it took me about 12 hours of game play to get from lvl 50 regular end game to heaven sward content and i had some of the level 50 stuff done before I started replaying.

Everyone always hating on FFVIII. smh



Same. It only takes going through a couple before they turn you off.

It was a fun God of War clone.

Yeah, making a decent character in DA:I is really hard for some reason. I just started a new game a few days ago to check out the DLC.

They fixed that in the newest version. The one with the light on the front touch pad.

I just played through divine divinity for the first time last year and it was still really fun.

Idk I still played fallout 1/2 probably 4-5 times a piece over the years. The best 9.99 double game pack I ever purchased.

Yeah, I remember working in a retail job and some people were so proud they never used a computer and never will.

Cool, that’s some great artwork.