
Just stop.  This is getting old and ridiculous. 

I agree, but...In 2016, I was decorating for Halloween, and I decided it would be really creepy to outline my body on some black construction paper and tape the silhouette to our full length mirror. It was terrifying out of the corner of our eyes, and my husband haaaaaated it. It really freaked him out. I had given

I’m no lawyer, but even my 101 level of legal knowledge is familiar with the concept of duress. Contracts signed under duress are normally considered void. With holding your paycheck on condition of signing said agreement should count as duress.

TLDR version: Contact a Lawyer

Waitwaitwait is there some transness or something involved? Doesn’t she otherwise, like, not have a male chromosome? XX and all? What am I missing here?

my mom has a garbage can of heavy duty plastic with a lid that she weighs down. That garbage can has multiple holes gnawed into it all over from determined raccoons. It’s horrifying.

Aw man, when I was growing up we had a huge quail flock living in the giant pine tree behind my dad’s office. (They weren’t our personal flock, they just lived in that tree.) You’d see dozens of them hanging out underneath, eating pine nuts, and then they’d roost up there. Luckily I never heard of any raccoons staking

We had two chickens in our urban backyard and finally gave them up to a farm because we were sick of fighting off raccoons. They’re relentless and clever when they see something they want, adorable little bastards.

That sucks, and it’s awful. I’m a member of the trans community, and while I understand people’s instinct to try to keep trans folks from being viewed as anything other than spotless victims, that instinct rides on a raft of devaluing the very real pain and damage that has been caused to other people. No demographic

I’m sorry this happened to you and I can understand your discomfort with discussing it. It’s really not that different when someone is raped by a priest/pastor or police officer or family member and then not believed or silenced because of who that person is. There is no group though that is exempt from committing

THIS. This is such bullshit. I’m a comedian in Los Angeles. I wouldn’t say that I necessarily present as butch but I definitely act in a more masculine manner than a woman is typically expected to. I have been harassed out of two theatres now by the same man, who presents as a very innocuous, docile guy even though

I have to claim PTSD on this one, I never actually realized what happened until years later. I was 17, pregnant, going to school full time and working two jobs. I took the city bus every day from my community college to first job, around 12 every day. My bus driver was adorable-definitely a Grandpa-type, friendliest

My step dad passed away almost exactly 10 years ago and I dream about him pretty regularly. In my dreams we always acknowledge that he is dead, and then continue to get caught up on everything that’s happened. Every time he tells me he’s proud of me. It’s the coolest.