God, I wish this article had existed six months ago when I was writing my Senior Thesis on J.K. Rowling’s (occasionally invasively) intrinsic relationship with this ever-persistent universe.
I suppose we should have assumed something was going on over there given how radio silent they’ve been about this project.
Okay, I went in expecting to be completely burned by the Half-Life 3 Honest Trailer.
Then I completely lost it when Goku showed up.
Well played, SmoshGames. Well played.
My Best Buy order has been stuck at "preparing to ship" since Thursday. I've been patient because of the holiday, but if it doesn't ship by tomorrow, I'm going to be extremely agitated.
Great, now I'm going to be spending the next two-and-a-half weeks of my life on pins and needles, praying that mine isn't cancelled.
Of all of these, the one I'm most excited for is the Song of Double Time. That Anju and Kafei quest is likely to be so much less tedious now.
Not sure how I feel about this save system, though. We'll have to wait and see.
I was wondering where the lasso was... thanks for pointing that out. XD
Yeah, I know what you mean- my PS2 is broken, and given that KHIII is coming to the One, I'd love to be able to play the original series over again on my 360 or something.
I think the joke was that Lightning didn't return a copy of FFXIII.
Never gonna happen, but if Gabe Newell walked out on stage at one of the press conferences, showed a trailer and announced Half-Life 3 for Fall of 2014, then just dropped the mic and left, I would never say another bad word about the games industry again.
I think that's the first coherent review he's ever given a game. XD
Can't tell whether this is sarcasm or not.
Mainly the hacking mechanics (which seem to become more powerful via a skill tree), the profiling, the weird digital trips, the ability to infiltrate cameras and learn more about people's lives, the ability to pull a "Person of Interest" and stop crime before it happens. Essentially, the ability to become a God of…
I love that trailer so much- and thank you for reminding me what else I was pumped for in May, I forgot for a second.
Yeah, they keep saying the game would have been awful if it had come out at that time, but I'd be interested to see just how true that is and what that final game build was like. I mean, it's an open-world game with mature themes and the ability to shoot things- it was always going to invite comparisons to GTA, but I…
It makes sense, I suppose- I was just writing an IGN blog about that exact thing- I've essentially chalked it up to the fact that Ubisoft needs to sell games, and for some reason, mindless street warfare seems to appeal to humanity more than "Oh, look, you can cause a blackout or stop a subway train like you wield the…
Just two weeks left? I've been waiting almost two years, guess I can wait two more weeks.
I honestly thought this would NEVER happen.