
I look totally cool in these sunglasses. You know what? I'm going to wear them for this promo shot. They are cool sunglasses. People will see me wearing these sunglasses and know that I am cool.

Oo!  Oo!  I can do this too.

If Lucas ever pulls a Spielberg and repents of his evil ways, I'll buy the heck out of some 1977/80/83 original releases on Blu-ray.

I don't care if it's true or not.  Since I'm not fond of either party in this argument, it's just fun to watch the fur fly.

Also, holy cow is Peter Mayhew REALLY tall in that photo.

Yee yee, did you have to google that quote first?  That's a litmus test of Star Wars geekiness (as is having a photoshopped Star Wars character as your avatar).

"Guys, Han shot first. End of story."

Is that Cedric the Entertainer as Green Lantern?

I'm at home now.  SHIT!

True, but I don't want any red flags being thrown up by the filters here at work.

At age 5?  Holy s***.

RoboCop + Predator = an awesome matchup right now, here as an adult in 2011

Wait, I thought we were talking about "R-rated" movies?  For me, it was "RoboCop."  I heard something loud coming from the living room 30 minutes after I'd gone to bed, and I walked in just in time to see him bend that dude's gun barrel in the convenience store.  (I'm sure my mom gave my dad grief for having the TV up

I think that's an urban legend.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around Rabin's dad dropping him off at a movie theater at age 5.  To see "Conan the Barbarian," no less.

Failed 1992nd-sies