
The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

They say something, you write a scathing takedown of their inadequate responses.

Ta-Nehisi Coates said Obama was the closest thing to today’s Malcolm X.

But that is completely incorrect. Formula 1 absolutely is about physical strength and we know this because the drivers go through rigorous training to be able to pilot these cars. Everyone who follows the sport knows the amount of force exerted on the neck and core during cornering, on the leg during braking, the heat

“..but I did not see a book in his hands!” Oh really, that’s what it boils down to? Do better.

Holy fucking shit that update. I audibly gasped. Christmas is coming early!

For the same reason many 2D fighting games are now made in 3D. It’s easier and cheaper, with 2D you have to draw tricky perspective manually, and draw each movement per frame. With 3D you don’t have to worry about perspective or drawing movement per frame, the 3D camera placement and the animation software automatic

I’m not into esports myself, but seeing Deadspin commenters getting triggered by the mere presence of esports articles has become one of my favorite things on the site.

domestic violence towards men is normally considered humorous

This reminds me of the Gran Turismo 3 rubber band trick. Man, that was a silly way to gain stuff in that game.

Definitely influenced by “Ren & Stimpy” and “Ed, Edd, and Eddie”.

This is why I hate sex work in general. When you sell your body, you are the product. Your self worth and personal value is literally monetized. It’s gross. Don’t sell your body!

I assume you say fuck the P1, 918, LaFerrari and every other car above 500hp or so as well?

Every hater in this thread needs to be careful with the knee jerk reactions because we might just take your car enthusiast badge away. If this comes to be it’s probably one of the best performing production cars ever - if not

Does a “grown-ass woman” in her “30s” really need to blame a man for her consenting to his condom removal during sex? This isn’t “stealthing,” you’re both just irresponsible. Act your age and take responsibility.

Nah. It just means Splinter thinks a doll wearing a physical representation of patriarchial female repression is somehow aspirational for little girls.