
Pratt Wife 2.0 looks at Chris the same way my sister’s dog looks at me when I have Beggin Strips in my hand.

Not enough mumblecore dorks with face tattoos!

he had a fucking rape button, katie!

The New Republican Party: We Survived!

... maybe we should just ban Texans too.

In all seriousness, why go to a place that has VERY PUBLICLY put into place rules that are posted EVERYWHERE, if you hate those rules, right? I hope they get to spend *plenty* of time here, enjoying NY hospitality in prison. 

Someone’s visit to New York had better end up including some time in jail....

Good for Joan.

The amount of people on the internet with Asperger’s, trying to tell us what is and what isn’t funny, is one of life’s miseries.

Are you fucking kidding with this garbage Tom Cruise take? Look, the guy is a fucking corny weirdo, but considering how many rich ASSHOLES we’ve seen just pretending COVID is not a thing so that their precious little lives don’t get the least bit interrupted, it’s fucking REFRESHING to see a celeb take it seriously.

This was a terrific article. I binged Naked and Afraid at the start of the pandemic and the thing that stood out to me was the exhausting amount of energy the women had to put into managing the male egos. They couldn’t be better at fishing or fire starting; they couldn’t be forceful with their ideas; and they HAD to

As dumb as it is for people to take a fictional show so seriously, his infidelity is not fiction, and he dragged a literal teenager into his mess when he was 32. So, limited sympathy there. I also think it’s healthy for him to experience a small fraction of the rage that his son and Meghan faced from online bullies

I didn’t know porcelain could be made in Dark Pepto Bismol Pink.

A douchebag who was grifting off crazy people got killed by one of them, who is clearly much crazier than he realized.

Now playing

Mitchell and Webb gave the definitive answer to this theory:

Sounds like you’re the fragile one here.

That’s the best you’ve got?

It pays to be the Danish Joshua Jackson.

So… are YOU on amphetamines? Or are you just a person who always talks gibberish?

I was hoping a tapdancing Cosgrove would square off against a Charleston-ing Pete in a dance battle a la West Side Story.